Chapter 3 - Mara Rizzo

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After an incredibly long and slow drive from the airport through the craziest traffic, I have ever sat in my life we arrived at my new home. There was no garage just a carport that was under the house if you could even call it that. The entire street was filled with three-story buildings that looked incredibly skinny and long. The buildings were all so close that you could probably reach out one window and touch the other. The one that we pulled into was made out of grey stone and looked like a scary haunted building.

"This is where you live?" I asked as we stepped out of the car.

"This is where we live," Shota answered.

I followed after him as he leads us to a door that was at the end of the carport. He used his key to open the door. I don't know what I was expecting but a white and black contemporary main entryway. The floor was white tiles and the walls were also painted white. There was a black door to the right of the entryway that Shota opened and hung up his jacket in. on the other side of the closet was a hall that I was not sure where it leads to. There was another black door to my left.

"That's my room," Shota told me as he pointed to the left door.

At the far end of the entryway was a black steel spiral staircase that leads upstairs somewhere.

"What's down there?" I asked as I pointed to the hall.

"My bathroom." He said as he walked me into not a bathroom but a bunch of little rooms that made up one big bathroom.

To the right was a small room that had the toilet, straight ahead was a double vanity and stand up shower in the corner that you had to walk around the wall to see. Then there was another door that I opened up to see a large tub sitting in the middle of a large room that was empty otherwise.

When we made it up the stairs to the left was a large dinning room that sat in front of a small kitchen. It was all open and I could see out to the balcony that was on the other side of the kitchen. The balcony must look out onto the busy street which did not seem appealing to me.

On the right side of the stairs was a very large living room with white carpet and black furniture. There was another small balcony looking out at the very small back yard but in reality, the view was the large white building that was behind us.

On the top floor was the biggest bedroom in the house with a huge walk-in closet. This room looked like a pastel monster through up in it. Clearly, this room belonged to Kiko. On the other side of the staircase was a small bathroom with a toilet single sing and stand up shower. On the other side of the bathroom was the smallest bedroom in the house. Obviously there guest room which would not belong to me. It may be the smallest of the three rooms but it was the first time I had ever had my own room. A queen-sized bed sat comfortably in the middle of the room. There was still room to walk around it on all sides and the back wall was lined with windows letting in plenty of natural light. A tv was hung on the wall across from my bed.

"I get my own tv?" I asked.

"It's all yours and if you want anything else to make it feel like your own just let me know." He told me as he placed my bag down on my bed.

After a few minutes, the two of them left to get started on dinner leaving me alone to settle in. I couldn't help but look around the room, my room, and smile. This place was nothing like I expected. It was perfect, I just really hoped I didn't fuck this up.  

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