Chapter 16 - Katsuki Bakugo

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6:41 pm


Who the fuck are you calling Pathetic! You're the one who's pathetic! You're such a pathetic loser that your own family doesn't want you!

I texted her in response and instantly regrated it. She hit a nerve when she called me pathetic, and I responded almost without thought. I knew it was a low blow, I didn't know much about her family life, but it was clear she was worried about what ever was going on at home. At the same time, I don't even understand why I care. She's practically a stranger. I looked back at my phone expecting a bunch of angry texts from Mara, but I didn't receive even one. It's been nearly fourteen minutes without a reply.

6:55 pm


What are you so pathetic you can't even defend yourself?

I quickly texted her. I knew I should have said something along the lines of that I didn't mean it, or I'm sorry. Instead, I just continued to put my foot in my mouth.

Again, I expected her to yell at me. I almost wanted her to yell at me, she looked so cute when she was angry.

What the fuck? Why would I think that? That girl isn't cute she's crazy, and a major pain in the ass. Definitely not cute.

7:00 pm


You're really just going to ignore me?

I asked this time trying to be a little nicer hoping that she would respond if I didn't yell at her. After a few minutes of waiting still nothing. She really was ignoring me.

7:06 pm


You can't ignore me!

7:07 pm


Stop pretending like I don't fucking exist!

7:08 pm


Whatever. I don't even care. You're a fucking extra just like the rest of the losers. Be a pussy and don't defend yourself. Bye looser! I'm done with you.

I tossed my phone aside knowing if I didn't, I would just keep on yelling at her with no response. I laid on the bed on my back as I ran my hands through my hair. I stared at the ceiling as I struggled to not pick up my phone. What the fuck is wrong with me? That girl has really gotten under my skin. She's nothing but trouble and I hate her. I need to stay away from that girl no matter what. I will not let anyone stand in the way of becoming the number one hero. Especially a stupid American girl who has no idea what it means to be a hero. 

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