Chapter 7 - Mara Rizzo

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After panicking all night, realizing that in three short months my father would realize what a disappointment I am and getting only two hours of sleep I was woken up by a very awake and cherry Kiko.

"Wake up, wake up, wake up." She said as she jumped up and down on my bed.

I rolled over and looked at the alarm clock on the dresser to see it was only 9 am. I groaned and rolled over pulling the blanket back up over my head.

"Wake up!" She yelled as she ripped the blanket off of me from the end of the bed.

I remained in place as I opened one eye and looked over to her as she stood at the end of my bed. The blanket already dropped to the floor.

"This bitch is actually crazy." I thought to myself.

"Im going to let this slide today because you don't know me but Im only going to tell you this once. If you ever wake me up again I will kill you." I told her as she looked at me confused before pulling out her phone so we could talk.

"Shit." I mumbled as I reached for my phone forgetting for a second that we did not speak the same langue.

"What?" She asked once she had her app open.

"Nothing. Whats going on?" I asked her.

"You need to get up and ready." She answered.

"For what?" I asked as I sat up hoping there was coffee in this house somewhere.

"The mall, dads going to drop us off so we can go shopping." She answered with a huge smile on her face.

I had a feeling she was one of those girls who actually loved shopping.

"Why don't you look excited? We get to go shopping." She asked again as she stared at me.

"I would rather sleep." I answered

"God your just like dad. I want you both downstairs in 30 minutes. Ill make breakfast." She told me before she yelled something in Japanese getting a grown from the other side of the house that I assumed was Shota.

I smiled as I realized the two of us seem to appreciate our sleep much more than Kiko. I stretched out my muscles and forced myself to roll out of bed. I opened up my bag and pulled out my toothbrush and paste and went into the bathroom to take the quickest shower of my life. I wrapped myself in a towel and brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair as I took a few minutes to dry before heading back to my room to get dressed.

I didn't have much to pick from so I pulled on a black sports bra and underwear and pulled on a grey long sleeve shirt that hung low on one shoulder showing off one bra strap and the tip of my bra and breasts. I pulled on high waisted jean shorts that hung only an inch below my but cheek. I pulled on high waisted black socks that almost went all the way up to the bottom of the shorts and finished off the looks with my black leather boots.

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