Chapter 15 -Mara Rizzo

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After we got home, I quickly made my way to my room. I knew I should stay something to them, but I didn't know what to say. I just couldn't find the words to express how much of a piece of shit I am. I spent a long time lying on my back staring up at the ceiling until I couldn't take it anymore. I rolled over and grabbed my phone. I looked at it for a second before giving in and texting Bakugo.

6:05 pm


I hope you didn't get in too much trouble.

6:07 pm

Katsuki Bakugo:

With the Old Hag. Don't worry about her. I've destroyed that gym so many times I lost count.

I could not help but chuckle at his response. I did not know why he called his mom an Old Had but I thought it was hilarious.

6:08 pm


Well, that's good to here.


Katsuki Bakugo:

How about you? Your dad seemed pissed.



Yeah, apparently, I'm grounded. I'm not even sure what that means.

I answered him truthfully. What the hell does grounded even mean. Is there like a closet he's going to lock me in or something.


Katsuki Bakugo:

Grounded for what? For kicking ass. Truthfully, your father seems kind of like an asshole.


Katsuki Bakugo:

And speaking of your father why the hell did you not tell me he was a pro hero!

I had to think about what he said for a second. Was my dad an asshole? No, I don't think so. He was just worried.

6:20 pm

Katsuki Bakugo:

Answer me! Or are you so fucking stupid you didn't know your old man was a pro hero?

What was this boy's problem? I was starting to wonder if he was bipolar or something.

6:22 pm


First off watch how you talk to me or Ill kick your ass again. Secondly my dad is not an asshole. Or at least I don't think he is. Thirdly I thought he was a teacher.

6:23 pm

Katsuki Bakugo:

What do you mean you thought he was a teacher?

He asked causing me to chuckle as he chose to ignore the fact that I threatened to kick his ass.

6:24 pm


He's a teacher at UA, I didn't realize he was a hero to.

I answered him which made me feel so stupid even though I would never admit it. How did I not know he was a pro hero?

I looked at my phone as the little bubbles pooped up to let me know he was texting and then disappear repeatedly. Obviously, he was unable to come up with a reply. Which I did not understand. Nothing I had said to him should be confusing.

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