Chapter 10 - Shota Aizawa

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All I could think about as Kiko was having a tantrum in her room was who was Mara texting on her phone? She's only had the phone for a day so I know there were only two numbers programmed into it when I gave it to her. She doesn't know anyone here and as far as I know, she doesn't have anyone back in the United States that she would be talking to. I sat there and become more and more stressed about the entire thing as I thought about someone upsetting her. She has been through enough in her lifetime she did not need someone giving her any grief.

I decided the best thing to do is just go and talk to her. I don't know if she will want to talk to me but I'm sure she will at least appreciate knowing I care enough to ask. I walked to her room and knocked softly but didn't receive an answer.

"Mara I'm coming in." I said before I opened the door.

Once the door was open I saw that she was already asleep. She fell asleep laying on top of her blanket and truthfully looked a little cold. I went to the hallway closet and grabbed the spare blanket and softly placed it over her so she would no longer be cold. I was about to leave her room when her phone that was sitting on her bedside table caught my attention. I could simply look in her phone and know exactly who she was talking to but that would be a major invasion of privacy. I told myself it was okay I don't know much about her, this way I could learn about her but as I reached picked up her phone I knew it was wrong. I would never look in Kiko's phone so I shouldn't with Mara. I will not break her trust when she has given me no reason to.

Just as I was about to put down her phone it vibrated from a notification. I looked down at the phone in my hand to see she had got a text message. I didn't have enough time to read the message before her screen went black again but it was long enough to catch the name.

Katsuki Bakugo, that was the name of whoever she was texting. The name sounded familiar but I could not place it. I could not help but smile as I placed down her phone at the fact that she programed him in by his full name. Probably so she could remember it. It's defiantly not a name she would ever hear back in the states.

I made my way to my room and once I was inside I pulled out my own phone to make a call.

"Shota my brother!" Hizashi yelled once he answered the phone on the first ring.

"Stop yelling." I told him.

"Never, what do I owe the pleaser?" He asked as he continued to speak way too loudly.

"I had a question for you. I cam across a name I regongnize but cant place." I told him.

"Okay lay it on me." He responded.

"Is there a kid the name of Katsuki Bakugo inrolled at school?" I asked him.

He took a moment to think it over before answering.

"Not that I recale." He answered. "Why you asking?"

"Hes someone that Maras talking to and I just wanted to know who he was." I answered him.

"Why don't you just asked her?" He asked.

"I cant." I told him.

"Why not?" He asked again.

"Because I saw his name on her phone." I answered knowing I was about to get yelled at.

"What wrong with you? You looked in that poor girls phone!" He yelled so loud I had to move the phone away from my ear.

"No I was just standing near her phone when he texted her and his name popped up. I didn't even see what he said." I answered him.

"I know this is hard for you but maybe just maybe you should trust her to decide who she talks to. She has been taking care of her self for years. I think she can handle talking to a boy." He told me and I could not help but wonder how much he knew.

"You read her file." I asked him.

"Shes going to be a student at U.A. I read all of the knew students files." He answered.

I knew he was correct but it did not put me at ease. Then in an instant, it hit me.

"The files." I said.

"What?" He asked.

"The name I know where I recognized it from. Hes one of the kids who is going to be taken the entrance exam." I told him as I reached for my bag and pulled out the files I haven't actually read.

I quickly found the file I was looking for.

"I got to go." I told him then hung up before he could answer.

Katsuki Bakugo

Age: 14

Birthday: April 20th

Quirk: Explosion


Father: Masaru Bakugo

Quirk: Acid Sweat

Mother : Mitsuki Bakugo

Quirk: Glycerin

I read through the rest of his file. It was not a long one but what I got from it was he was a smart kid. His grades were great and so was his quirk if that was all there was he would be a shoo-in for a great future hero. But that wasn't all that was in the file. In middle school, he had a lot of disciplinary issues. Bullying, fighting, improper league, he clearly had serious anger issues. I don't know how his last school didn't expel him. I know Hizashi said I should trust Mara's judgment but I'm not sure about this kid.  

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