Part Five

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We make our way towards Max’s house, which is just round the corner. We hold hands as we go and it feels completely normal. It’s October, so it’s a little dark, but the dim light from the street lights are lighting up the path for us. As we get close to Max’s house, I hear the faint sound of music coming from down the street. We carry on walking and when we finally reach his gate, we see that the front door is open and the music is louder than ever before.

“So much for an engagement party” Nathan says, sarcastically.

“I know, I thought they were going to announce it, this just looks like Max’s is hosting a rave” I say, as I look at Nathan.

“Well don’t worry, our engagement party will be much better than this one” he says, as he leans in and kisses me. “Right come on then” he tells me, as he pulls away again and we walk towards the front door. Once we get there, we stand at the door way. I knock on the open door. I don’t want to walk in because I think it’s a bit rude. He might have just forgotten to close the door and then we will just walk in and Max will be thinking something like “They’re so rude. They just walk into people’s houses without knocking. I’m not inviting them to another one of my parties”. As I stand peering through the door way, Nathan takes the opportunity to walk in,

“Nathan” I gasp, as he pulls me into the house, as we’re still holding hands.

“What?” he shouts over the loud noise. As soon as we’re in the house, I can see people everywhere and the scent of alcohol is especially strong. Nathan pulls me through the crowds of people and into what looks like the kitchen. I’ve never been to one of these parties before, with the exception of my birthday party, but that wasn’t even that big and I knew everyone there. Whereas here, I don’t know who anyone is. Of course I know who the boys are, but as for the rest of them, they could be anyone.

Nathan drops my hand down my side, as he walks over to the fridge and begins to hunt through it. “Nathan, don’t be so rude. It’s not your house” I say, in the hope that he might listen to me this time.

“What? Me and Max are like brothers, its fine” he answers, as he pulls out two beers. He hands one to me and then closes the fridge up again. “Come on” he says, as he opens his can and then takes my hand. I take his lead and quickly open my can too, before Nathan takes me back into what looks like the living room, although it’s hard to tell with the amount of people who are stuffed into the room.

“Nathan!” I hear someone shout. It seems to be really hot in here and I can barley even breathe. I decide to drink some of my beer in the hope that it might calm me down a little.

“Max!” Nathan laughs, as he pulls me through the crowd even more. We soon stop, giving me a chance to have some more of my beer, so I can try and catch my breath.

“You came” Max laughs, as he throws his arm around a blonde haired girl. She’s much prettier than me and I can’t help but notice Nathan looking at her. He wouldn’t prefer me to look like her would he?

“Are you glad we came?” Nathan laughs along with him and as the words leave his mouth, I watch as the blonde girl smiles and then winks at Nathan. I scowl at her for a second, before I’m distracted by Nathan winking back at her. I feel my heart shatter in my chest. Nathan wouldn’t cheat on me would he? Why wouldn’t he? He’s a famous pop star who has thousands of girls flirting with him all the time, whereas I’m just a stupid kid, who doesn’t have anything.  I’m sixteen with no future. Who would ever want to be with me?

I feel a small tear escape my eye and that’s when I realise I have to go. I have to get out of this place, get away from him. He’s supposed to be my boy friend, the love of my life, but yet he’s winking at other girls when I’m stood next to him. Am I really that bad of a girl friend? He’s just making a fool out of me and I can’t handle it.

“Are you ok, Rheanna?” I hear Max ask me. Not Nathan, Max. Max had to ask me if I’m ok, because let’s face it, Nathan wasn’t going to was he?

“Yeah, I’m fine. I just need some air. That’s all” I say, whilst putting on a false smile and then letting go of Nathan’s hand.

“Do you want me to come with you?” Nathan asks and to my surprise, he sounds concerned.

“No, you stay here, I’ll be fine” I tell him, even though a part of me wants him to run after me and make sure I’m ok. Those are the things a boy friend should do.

I push through the crowds of people, until I finally reach the front door and I can breathe again. I inhale as much fresh oxygen, as I can as I begin to walk home.

After about five minutes, something sparks in my head. What am I doing? Why am I going home? So he winked at girl, so what? That doesn’t mean anything, does it and even if it did, why should I let him win? You know what? I’m going to go back in there and enjoy myself, with or without him. I can have fun on my own; I don’t need to rely on a potential cheat.

I stroll back into the house with my head held high, as I push through the masses of people. At that moment, I notice something. Something I didn’t want to see. Max has gone and now it’s just Nathan and the blonde standing in the corner of the room. They look like they’re having a right laugh as well. How could he do this to me?

I look at the pair and then I look around the room, where I see a path to the kitchen. Maybe drowning my sorrows might help. I make my way to the kitchen, where there is now a beer table put up. I pull a chair from under the table and then I sit down, in front of all the alcohol and begin to drink. I drink and drink and drink until my brain turns to mush.

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now