Part Seven

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“Why are you being like this” Nathan asks, as he stands behind me.

“I’m being myself” I say, as I leave the bedroom and make my way downstairs, with Nathan following me,

“No you’re not. You made a mistake, can’t we just move on” he says, and I can tell he’s beginning to get really annoyed with me. If only he knew the mistakes I've made.

“I thought we had?” I ask, as I reach the kitchen and I put the kettle on.

“Obviously not” he says. “Oh I get it” he adds.

“What?” I ask him, as I turn around and lean against the counter, so I’m now looking at him.

“This is about the wedding isn’t it?” he asks, sounding annoyed, but at the same time he sounds relieved.

“No it’s not” I tell him.

“Yes it is. I know it. You’re jealous because Jay is getting married before us” he says, as he looks down at the floor.

“I didn’t say that” I tell him, softly.

“You didn’t have to” he sighs, as he looks back up at me. “I get it, you think we should be getting married before them” he says, but what he doesn’t understand is that it’s nothing to do with the wedding. It’s not even to do with Nathan, it’s all to do with me and what I’ve done. I should have just gone home last night, but I didn’t, I stayed and I made the biggest mistake of my life. “I think it too” Nathan adds, ripping me out of my thoughts.

“You think what?” I say, shaking my head in confusion.

“We should be getting married before Jay. After all we were engaged before them” he explains, as he walks closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist, “I think we should tell them”

“What?” I ask him, unsure of what he meant. I hate it when he just assumes that I will know what he’s talking about.

“I know we were going to wait, but I think it’s time. We need to let people know that we’re together and that we love each other” he says, and then he kisses me.

“But what if they don’t like the idea?” I ask, as I pull away from him.

“I don’t care. You’re the only one that I want and I don’t care what anyone else thinks” he says and with that he kisses me again.

After a couple of minutes, the kettle clicks, meaning it has finished boiling and Nathan slowly pulls away from me. “You finish making the tea and I’ll invite the boys round” Nathan smiles and then wonders out of the room. I suppose what he doesn’t know, can’t hurt him.

I finish making the tea and then I carry the two mugs into the living room, where Nathan is talking on the phone. He’s now fully dressed. I put the two mugs on the coffee table, before joining Nathan on the sofa.

“Yeah, I’ll see you in about half an hour then mate” he says, before hanging up the phone and dropping it on the sofa next to him. He then leans forward and picks his mug up.

“Thanks” he says, as he turns and smiles at me. I watch as he begins to drink, his green eyes glistening in the light and his brown hair sticking up all over the place. Everything about him seems so perfect and now I’ve gone and ruined that. Now everything that used to make me feel happy just makes me feel guilty again. “Are you feeling ok?” he asks me, obviously noticing me staring at him.

“Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” I ask him, hoping that he won’t suddenly guess what had happened. He can usually see right though my head and into my brain.

“You just seem a bit distant that’s all” he says, giving me a weak smile,

“I’m fine, really” I lie. There’s no way he can ever find out about what happened. I just hope whoever it was will be able to keep the secret too. I know this will kill Nathan and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I ever hurt him.

“Look Rheanna” he starts, as he puts his mug down on the table and then he leans back in the sofa and looks into my eyes. “If you’re having second thoughts, you can tell me. We can work through it, ok?” he tells me, sympathetically.

“Why would I be having second thoughts? I love you” I tell him, as I return his weak smile from earlier.

“It’s just, you didn’t really seem too excited about telling people” he says, as he looks down at his lap.

“I’m nervous that’s all. I can’t wait to marry you, Nathan. You’re all I’ve ever wanted and more” I smile, as I lean in and kiss him. I guess that was probably the first time I’ve told him the truth today. At that moment I hear a knock at the door, which causes Nathan to break away from me. He stands up and then looks down at me with a smile.

“I suppose you better put your engagement ring on then” he says, like an excited child on Christmas day. He then disappears out of the living room door. Once he’s gone, I lean over to the set of draws, which is placed next to the sofa and I rummage around in it to find the ring. It’s not long before I have it and I put it onto my finger, just in time for Nathan to re-enter the room with suspect number one, Jay. Following closely behind them is Rachel. She smiles at me, before taking a seat with Jay on the other sofa. He smiles at me, before holding Rachel’s hand. Surly he wouldn’t do anything to hurt Rachel, would he?

“So how have you two been?” Jay asks me.

“Yeah, we’ve been fine thanks. In fact, we have an announcement to make when everyone else gets here” Nathan tells him, just in time for the door to knock again. “One second” Nathan then gets up to get the door again.

“So how was the party last night? I had to leave early” Rachel asks me.

“You had to leave?” I ask, whilst searching Jay’s face for some kind of answer.

“No, Jay stayed, didn’t you darling? I had to see my sister, so I left Jay to it. Drinking isn’t really my thing anyway” she says, and at that moment I feel heart begin to race. If Jay was left alone at the party, that means it could have been him, but surly he has more sense than to cheat on his loving girl friend and wife to be.

It’s not long before Nathan enters the room with Siva. “Oh hey everyone” he says, and then he looks at me with a smile.

“Hi” I say, awkwardly.

“How are you this fine day, Rheanna?” he asks me.

“Alright I guess” I tell him. There is no way, it would have been Siva, is there?

“That’s good then” he says, as he sits down on the arm next to Jay.

“You seem a bit happy today, Siva. Did something happen last night?” Nathan asks him, as the door knocks, yet a third time.

“Indeed, it did” he says, with a smile taking over his face. Nathan then leaves the room to answer the door again. He should just stand there and wait for them, in my opinion. That would be easier, wouldn’t it?

“You got laid, didn’t you?” Jay asks, with a smirk.

“How did you guess?” Siva asks him, but at that moment, we are interrupted by the arrival of Max and suspect number three. If Siva had sex last night, then that means, it could have been him. That would make sense wouldn’t it? Max and Tom quickly take their seats, before Nathan holds onto my hand and pulls me up from my seat. We stand before all five other people and I can’t help but watch Tom’s reaction. He’s the only one that yet, doesn’t have a reason for me to suspect him, which means he’s in the clear right? It can’t have been him, but I suppose he is the stud of the band and a girl having a boy friend has never stopped him before, has it? For all I know, it probably was him.

“As you know, we called you all here to tell you an announcement” Nathan says, as he holds onto my hand and I watch as all five faces turn to look at us, all wondering what the news could be.

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now