Part Two

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As we stand looking deep into each others eyes, I hear I knock at the front door. We ignore it at first, but after the third time, we realise that we really should answer it.

“I’ll get it” Nathan sighs, as he pulls away from me, with a look of disappointment on his face. I follow him to the door, to see who it is and let’s face it I don’t have anything better to do. When we get to the door, Nathan opens it and I stand behind him, but I can still see.

“Oh hi” Nathan says awkwardly, as he holds the door open. It’s Jay. I find it really weird how Jay is always popping round to see Nathan. We never get time alone anymore and it’s really annoying. I suppose that’s just life though, isn’t it?

“You alright Nath” he says, with a smile.

“Do you want to come in then?” he asks and with that he nods. Nathan soon lets him into the house and we all head into the living room. I sit awkwardly on the single chair, whilst Nathan and Jay sit on the sofa.

“So how’s it going?” Nathan says, as he stands up and wonders into the kitchen. I don’t know why he does that all the time. He always sits down and then stands up to get something, surly you would do that before you sit down. I suppose it’s like he’s marking his territory though, isn’t it? It’s like he’s saying “I’m sitting here” before he goes off to get something. He soon comes back in with two beers, one for him and one for Jay. He then takes his previous position on the couch, before giving Jay his beer.

“Amazing actually” Jay smiles, as he takes the beer from Nathan.

“Really? What’s going on?” Nathan asks him, with an eager grin.

“Well as you know me and Rachel have been together for about a year now and we’ve decided that we want to get married” Jay says with a smile. I dart a quick glance at Nathan and he smiles, awkwardly. Sure the Siva, Jay, Tom and Max know about us, but as for the wedding, we’ve decided to keep it quiet for the time being. I don’t mind them knowing and neither does Nathan, it’s just a bit weird. It’s not every day a big celebrity like Nathan Sykes get engaged to a sixteen year old girl, is it? We’ve managed to keep it a secret until now though and so far it seems like everything is going well.

“Really? That’s amazing. I better be best man” Nathan says, with a cheeky grin on his face.

“Of course” Jay smiles back. “You can be a bride’s maid or something if you want, Rheanna”

“But I’ve never met her” I say, awkwardly. To be honest this last month, I have barley even been out of the house. It’s not that Nathan is stopping me or anything like that. It’s just the fact that everyone I used to know and hang around with, now hate me. It’s like my life literally turned upside down and there was nothing I could do about it. Now the only people I see are Nathan’s mates and occasionally, the post man. I haven’t even met Nathan’s parents yet and if I’m honest, I’m starting to get a bit worried. What if he’s embarrassed of me?

“Don’t worry about that. I’ll call her now. Then you can bond” Jay winks. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Surly the winking face would imply that something sexual is expected, but somehow I don’t think that’s going to happen. I always thought he was a bit weird, even before I met him.

“Alright then” I sigh.

“Just a second” Jay says, as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and then makes his way to the hall. Once the hall door is closed, I turn my head to see Nathan looking at me.

“Why haven’t you told anyone about us yet?” I ask him.

“I have” he says, as he glances at the door.

“I’m not talking about that. Why haven’t you told them we’re engaged and why haven’t I met your mum? Are you embarrassed of me or something?” I ask him, as I look down at my lap.

“Of course I’m not. I love you Rheanna” he tells me. “Come here” he says, as he beacons me towards him. I get up off of the single seat and make my way over to the sofa, where I sit down next to Nathan.

“Why won’t you tell them then?” I ask him, as I look at him. I can feel my heart breaking as I wait for the answer. It’s like the longer he waits to tell me, the worse it’s going to be and I don’t know what I’d do without him.

“I just don’t see the point in telling them about it yet. We haven’t even made any plans” he sighs, as he puts his arm around my shoulder and then pulls me in close to him. I rest my head on his chest, as I look up into his eyes.

The hall door soon reopens and Jay walks back in with a smile spread across his face. “She’s on her way” he says, and then he walks over to the single seat, where I was previously sitting. He sits down and then he looks over at us. “You too are so cute together. It’s just a shame the press like to slate you” he says, looking sympathetic.

“Yeah” Nathan agrees, as he strokes my hair. Once his hand leaves my head, I slowly sit up again. At that moment there is a knock at the door.

“That’ll be Rachel” Jay says, still smiling. He soon jumps up from his seat and rushes to the door to let her in.

“Just make yourself at home, why don’t you?” Nathan says sarcastically, with a slight chuckle.

“This is Rachel” Jay says, as he comes back into the living room, followed by a pretty blonde girl. She looks about twenty. This is going to be so weird. How am I supposed to talk to her like a friend when I’m just sixteen? I’m not even that confident.

“Hey guys” she says, with an American accent.

“Hi” I say awkwardly, as she walks over to the sofa and sits next to me.

“So Jay tells me you’re just fifteen?” she asks, with an eyebrow raised.

“No, she’s sixteen” Nathan says defensively. He obviously doesn’t want to be mistaken for a paedophile.

“Oh wow. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who goes out with a child before” she says looking slightly worried.

“Don’t worry, babe. The legal age is sixteen here” Jay says, with a reassuring smile.

“Oh yeah, that’s right. I almost forgot” she says. “I never did understand why it’s different here though. Can British people get pregnant at a younger age or something?”

“Erm, no” Nathan says, sounding slightly awkward. Wow, this is going to be a long night.

“Oh. So, it’s just random?” she asks me, sounding even more confused than ever before.

“Well no” Nathan tells her, but she still doesn’t understand.

“What then? Is it picked out of a hat or something?”

“That would still make it random, Rachel. It’s the governments decision” Jay says, with a weak smile.

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now