Part Eleven

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“Just drop it Max, you know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt Nathan” I tell him, as I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

“Do I? Because you’ve been acting shifty all night. What’s going on Rheanna?” he asks me, as he stares me down.

“Nothing. You’re just jealous that me and Nathan are happy, but you’re not. Get over yourself” I say, in an attempt to throw him off track.

“Think what you want, but you need to tell Nathan about what you’ve been up to, or I will” he says, and at that moment the bathroom door opens and Tom appears. Max gives him a bitter look, before making his way into the bathroom.

“Ignore him. He wouldn’t dare tell Nathan and besides, there’s nothing to tell would never believe him over us” Tom says, as he walks off down the stairs. I suppose I better go and find Nathan. I follow Tom down the stairs and into the living room, where everyone is gathered.

I notice Nathan standing in a corner, surrounded by guests and to be honest, he looks quite drunk. I make my way over to him, preying that he won’t be cheating on me.

“Here she is! My lovely wife to be” Nathan slurs, as he pushes past the girls and throws his arm around me.“Rheanna, this is my sister Jess and her friend Olivia” he continues to slur his words.

“Hi” I say, awkwardly, as I watch Olivia running her eyes along my body, with a bitter look on her face.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you” Jess says, with a smile.

“Aren’t you supposed to meet the family before you get engaged?” Olivia asks me, with the same bitter look on her face.

“Well yeah, but me and Rheanna are different. Things are complicated” Nathan says, as he takes his arm from around me and takes a sip of his beer.

“Anyway, that doesn’t matter. At least we’re meeting now” Jess says, as she takes a sip of her champagne.

“So you’re telling me that your mum’s fine with this? She’s the same age as you Jess. That’s just weird” Olivia sniggers.

“No, it’s not. Age doesn’t matter when it comes to love and besides it’s not like we’re doing anything wrong” I say, as I glance at Nathan, who is looking down at the floor. I know he hates it when people mention my age. It’s nothing to do with them and I wish they would just drop it. When I was in school, people used to go out with people much older than them. I don’t see what the big deal is. Besides it’s not like I’m still in school. Sure I might be retaking my exams with a personal tutor, but as for school I’ve out grown it anyway. I’m spending my summer studying, surely that should show how grown up I am.

I watch as Olivia opens her mouth to speak, but before she can, she’s interrupted by an unwelcome guest.

“I hope everyone’s having a good time” I hear them yell over the music. I look at Nathan, who just stares back at me.

“What’s she doing here?” he asks in shock. He obviously doesn’t want her here as much as I don’t.

“Well aren’t you going to greet your sister? After all I did fly all the way over here, for your little celebration” Shauna says, as she pushes through everyone and stands in front of me. She looks so tanned and her hair has been died bleach blonde. She smirks through her face full of makeup and trailing behind her is a very awkward looking Greg.

“What do you want? You’re not welcome here and you know it” I say bitterly, as I stand before her, with my arms crossed.

“Well Nathan invited me remember. I suppose your memory isn’t that good though. You did seem to forget that I was with Nathan when you started sleeping with him” she says, as she looks around the room at everyone’s shocked faces. “Wow, quite a turn out isn’t it, but then you always were the sibling everyone loved, weren’t you, Rheanna” she says, but I don’t even know how I’m supposed to answer that. I look at Nathan, who’s just staring at Shauna in shock.

“Well it doesn’t take much does it? After all, you were always a bitch” I finally manage.

“Me? I don’t remember stealing your boyfriend” she says, angrily, as her hands move to her hips. As they finally land, my eyes are drawn to her stomach and Greg was right. She’s defiantly pregnant. I look over at Nathan, who is staring at her stomach too. “You’re being awfully quiet Nathan. Speak then” she says.

“Get out” he says, as he looks back up at her face.

“What?” she says, as if she wasn’t expecting that reaction. What was she expecting though? For us to greet her with open arms? She would have to be mental to think that would happen.

“You heard me! Get out!” Nathan yells, and I hear a few people gasp from around us. She doesn’t seem like she’s going to leave any time soon though. She just smirks at Nathan, which makes him even angrier. “Get the fuck out of my house! You’re not welcome here and you know that. Are you that pathetic that you have to try and spoil our day? I know you wanted this to be me and you, but what can I say? I just never loved you!” he shouts and I can see the hurt in Shauna’s eyes.

“You think I wanted you? No! I wanted your money. I never loved you either, so I guess everything that happened was for nothing” she says, as she storms out of the house, with Greg behind her. I look at Nathan, but he just storms into the kitchen. Why do our parties always end up with someone being kicked out? I follow him into the kitchen, where I find Nathan sitting at the table, with a can of beer. I know what he’s about to do. It’s what he always does when he’s upset and I hate it. He’s going to drink until he passes out. Sometimes I wonder whether he will actually wake up again. I feel like he’s on the verge of being a alcoholic.

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now