Part Ten

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The next day me and Nathan set everything up for the party, whilst trying to ignore what Shauna said last night. For all we know that could have been her way of trying to split us up. She’s always been that type of person. “There it’s all done” Nathan says, as he comes back into the living room, where I’m putting the banner up.

“Cool” I smile. He was lying out all of the beers on the kitchen table. I don’t know why he wants everyone to get drunk tonight. I thought we were supposed to be saving money for the wedding, but now we’re going to end up spending money on repairing the house, especially with Jay coming over. He’s always been a bit of light weight.

It’s not long before the guests start to arrive and everyone seems excited to find out the news. We’ve put a sheet over the engagement sign, so when we’ve announced it, we can pull it down and reveal the banner. After about half an hour everyone seems to have arrived and Nathan has already put music on, so it’s like a club in here.

“Alright everyone” Nathan says, as he turns the music off. “Now everyone is here, we can tell you the news” he says, as he holds my hand and takes me over to the coffee table. He stands on top of it, before helping me up too. I look around at everyone and they all seem intrigued. I scan everyone’s faces and then I notice Tom in the crowd and he doesn’t look happy. “Now some of you already know, but for those of you who don’t, well” he says and then looks at me and smiles. “Drum roll please” he smiles and everyone starts to pat their knees in a drum roll.

“We’re...” he says, as he pulls down the sheet, revealing the words “Engagement party”.

“Engaged” I smile, as everyone stands and stares at us in shock.

“But she’s not old enough to get married Nathan. Are you crazy?” someone says.

“They’re in love, leave them alone” Siva says, whilst scowling at the person.

“This is our decision and I would appreciate it if you would respect that” Nathan sighs, as he looks at me. I can tell all the negative energy is getting to him.

“And if you have a problem with it, you know where the door is. Me and Nathan want to start a future together and if you don’t want to be in it, then that’s your choice, but it’s starting now, so now’s your change to leave” I say, as I hold onto Nathan’s hand and I hear a few people cheer.

“Let’s get this party started then” Nathan says, as he jumps off of the table and puts the music on again. A few people rush over to Nathan, so I take this opportunity to slope off and speak to Tom.

I watch as he heads out of the door and towards the stairs. Perfect. I slowly follow him, so no one will notice. I watch as he goes up the stairs and towards the toilet. I run as fast as I can to stop him from going in. I manage to reach him just in time and run into the bathroom, whilst pulling Tom in with me and shutting the door behind me.

“What are you doing? You’re engaged” he tells me, with a look of shock on his face.

“I know, I just need to know you’re not going to tell Nathan about what happened the other night. I love him and what happened can never happen again” I sigh, as I look down at the floor nervously.

“What are you talking about?” he laughs.

“The other night, we slept together at Max’s” I say, as I look back up and now he looks even more confused.

“No we didn’t” he says, as he raises his eye brow.

“Well how come I woke up the next morning in Max’s bed naked and with your phone next to me then” I say.

“My phone? What are you on about? I wasn’t even at Max’s party. I couldn’t make it and I’m pretty sure I had my phone with me” he smirks.

“What so who did I sleep with then?” I ask him.

“How am I supposed to know? Like I said I wasn’t even there” he laughs. “You have to tell Nathan though, you know that right?”

“Yeah, but I can’t exactly say ‘Hey Nathan I cheated on you the other night, but I don’t know who with’ can I? I need to find out who it was first” I sigh.

“Well whatever, just sort it out. Now get out. I need the toilet remember?” he asks, as he opens the door.

“What the hell is going on here then?” I hear Siva say from outside of the door. I look up to see him standing in front of us with a questioning look.

“Nothing. We were just talking” I tell him and I can hear Tom laughing, as he closes the door to the bathroom.

“Yeah right! I’m telling Nathan” Max says.

“Seriously, we weren’t doing anything. I just needed to talk to him about something” I explain.

“So why couldn’t you do that whilst everyone was around? Or at least without being locked in the bathroom together?” he says in a bitter tone.

Great, now Max thinks there’s something going on with me and Tom and I still don’t know who I slept with. Could this get any worse?

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now