Part Fifteen

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“Yeah, Rachel’s going to love this place” Jay says, as he signs the booking papers for the venue.

“Aren’t you going to ask her what she thinks before you go ahead and book it?” Nathan asks him, with an eyebrow raised.

“No, you know what she’s like. She won’t even know what time of day it is, let alone where we’re getting married” Jay laughs, to which me and Nathan just look at each other in disbelief. Did he just call his fiancée stupid? Surly she means more to him than that. “There is that it then? Can I go?” Jay asks, as he puts the pen down.

“Yes, so we’ll see you on your wedding day then” the tour guide says, and with that Jay gives out a sign of relief before turning back around to face me and Nathan.

“Yep” Jay says, before making his way towards the door and exiting the building. Me and Nathan quickly go after him, knowing that something is not right. Maybe it’s because of what happened between me and Jay and now he’s feeling guilty. Yeah, that’s probably what it is.

As soon as we get to the car, we all climb inside, with me in the back, whilst the boys are in the front. I can already feel the tension as Jay pulls the car out of the car park. “So have you got everything else sorted out for the wedding?” Nathan asks and I can tell he’s just trying to break the awkward silence.

“Pretty much, it’s just Rachel’s dress that’s left now” he answers.

“Oh right, so does she know which one she wants?” I ask, trying to show Jay that we can get through this and that we can still be friends.

“I don’t know, probably the most expensive one in the shop” he replies, before putting the radio on. Nathan turns around in his chair and gives me a concerned look, as we sit in silence for the rest of the journey home.

As soon as we get mine and Nathan’s house, Jay parks the car on the front and I jump out almost immediately and Nathan looks like he can’t wait to get out too. Just as quickly as we’d arrived, Jay’s gone.

“What’s up with him?” Nathan asks me, as we walk towards the front door.

“How am I supposed to know, he’s your friend” I tell him. I don’t want him to get any suspicions about what might be going. I will tell Nathan what happened, just when the right time comes, besides, I need to be careful because Jay is with Rachel and I don’t want to hurt her. She seems really nice and although she’s not the smartest person, she’s still human and she’s still going to feel pain.

“So what did you think to the venue?” he asks me, as he unlocks the door and ushers me in. I walk into the house, before answering the question.

“It was nice” I say. It was nice, but how would I ever be able to make life long promises to Nathan there, when that’s the place that I found out that I slept with Jay? Besides, that’s Jay and Rachel’s place now. We just need to make our venue ten times better than that and lets face it, it’s not like we don’t have enough time to find another venue.

I walk into the living room, with Nathan following me and I sit down on the sofa, next to Nathan.

“So, I was thinking” Nathan starts, as he picks up the remote and turns the TV on.

“You were thinking what?” I ask, unsure of what Nathan is going to tell me now. I never know with him. One minute he’s telling me that he doesn’t want anyone to know about our relationship, the next he’s moving me in and telling me that he loves me and proposing. Then he told me that he didn’t want people to know about the engagement and then we announced it in front everyone we knew. So only god knows what he’s going to tell me now.

“Well all this wedding stuff, it’s made me realise that” he begins and I can I just sense a negative. “Well, I don’t think we should wait to get married” he says, which makes me freeze in shock. What does he mean he doesn’t want to wait?

“What do you mean?” I just about manage to get out. What is Nathan thinking? He doesn’t want to call the wedding off completely does he?

“Well I don’t want to wait until you’re eighteen. I think we should do it earlier than that” he tells me.

“But we have no choice and besides, I thought you didn’t mind waiting” I tell him, not sure where all of this is coming from. Surly us going to see Jay’s venue wouldn’t cause this.

“Well it’s just all the wedding stuff and that venue was perfect. I could see us standing at the alter together and well I just can’t wait to call you my wife” he tells me, as he turns the TV off and then turns back and smiles at me.

“But I can’t legally marry until the age of eighteen, unless I get the permission from my parents” I say.

“Not necessarily. Look, there’s this village in Scotland, called Gretna Green and it’s legal to marry before eighteen there. So, I was thinking, maybe we could go down there and we can finally get married” he tells me.

“Wait, when did you have time to research that?” I ask him, in slight confusion.

“When I went to the toilet earlier” he says, with a cheeky grin on his face. My heart sinks as the thought starts to sink in. When I was finding out that I slept with my boyfriend’s best friend, he was researching how we could get married. This just makes me feel even more guilty and there’s no way I can get married to Nathan without him telling him the truth, but I don’t want to hurt him and this will crush him. Not to mention the fact that the wedding might not even happen after he knows, so what do I do? Do I carry on hiding things and lying until we’re married or do I tell Nathan the truth and blow everything? But if I lose Nathan, I’ve lost everything. I wouldn’t be able to go back and live with my parents after everything that happened. What about Max though? He told me that if I don’t tell Nathan soon then he will. So what am I supposed to do? My head is such a mess right now.

“Rheanna?” Nathan asks. “Are you in there?”

“What?” I ask.

“I said, ‘What do you think?’” he says.

“Erm yeah, it sounds good” I tell him.

“Good, now all we need to do is plan it” Nathan says and I can see how excited he is, little does he know that everything we’ve built together could come tumbling down on top of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2013 ⏰

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