Part Nine

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“I suppose we better get planning this wedding we’re having then” Nathan says with smile.

“More like the engagement party” I tell him. That will probably be the best time for me to talk to Tom, if everyone is dancing and everything, then I can slope off and I’m sure someone will want to talk to Nathan at some point, so there won’t be too much risk of him coming with me and wondering what’s going on.

“That’s true. How about we do it tomorrow and make a big celebration of it?” he asks me.

“We can’t. We have the tutor coming, don’t we?” I sigh.

“Well she can join the party. I’m sure it will be fine. She looks like the type to get smashed” he laughs.

“Yeah right, she’s like seventy and has no teeth” I giggle.

“Yeah, that’s good for a drinker. Then there’s no guard to stop the alcohol”

“Since when do your teeth stop the alcohol?” I say, in stitches. Sometimes Nathan says the dumbest things. The scary thing is, sometimes I think he believes these things. “Anyway, I’m going to get inviting people” he tells me as he stands up and makes his way into the kitchen.

“Idiot” I mutter, as I shake my head. I don’t even know who I’m going to invite. I mean, I don’t really have anyone that would want to celebrate our engagement. It’s not like my parents would approve and I don’t have any friends seeing as though they all hate me. Maybe I could invite my sister. Oh yeah, that’s right. I stole her boyfriend from her, so I’m sure she wouldn’t be happy to know that we’re engaged. Maybe I should just leave the inviting to Nathan.

“Alright, it’s done” Nathan says, as he walks back into the living room.

“That was quick” I say, trying to work out who he would have been able to invite in five minutes.

“Yep. I just sent text to all contacts” he smiles.

“Including Mrs Dyer?” I ask him, with an eye brow raised.

“Oh shit. I forgot I had her as a contact” he says, as a look of panic takes over his eyes. “Never mind” he shrugs. “I love you and I don’t care who knows it” he grins as he sits back down next to me.

“So what did you say exactly?” I ask him.

“Well I just put ‘Party at mine tomorrow at 8. Me and Rheanna have an announcement to make’, but so far I have no replies” he says.

“Well they’re probably just busy. Give it time, baby” I smile, as I lean in and kiss him. At that moment I hear Nathan’s phone begin to ring. He sighs before pulling away and looking at the caller ID.

“It’s Shauna” he says, as he looks at me with a confused look.

“You texted it to Shauna? You complete and utter twat” I say, nervously, as he presses accept on his phone.  He smiles at me nervously, as he puts the phone on loud speaker.

“Hello?” he asks.

“Why the hell did you just text me?” she asks, in a bitter tone.

“I sent it to all contacts, I didn’t mean to, sorry” he tells her, and I can tell he doesn’t feel comfortable with talking to her.

“Yeah, right. Anyway what’s the announcement?” she asks, and Nathan quickly looks at me for help. I then run my finger across my neck, so he’ll know not to tell her anything.

“Oh never mind” Nathan says.

“You better tell me now, Nathan or I will release those pictures of you on the internet” she says, in a threatening tone.

“What pictures?” I ask in confusion.

“Oh hi, slag. The ones Nathan sent me of him naked” she tells me.

“What, when was this?” I ask in shock. I didn’t think Nathan was the sort of person who is stupid enough to send someone naked pictures.

“Oh the other week, anyway, tell me then” she demands.

“No it wasn’t, you liar. It was when we were together” Nathan says, defensively.

“Come on Rheanna, don’t fall for his lies. He cheated on me and he will cheat on you. Now tell me the fucking announcement already” she says, but I can’t even speak. I just stare at Nathan, wondering whether he would actually do that to me, but he’s just look at the floor. I don’t know whether it’s because what Shauna says is true, or because he just feels guilty for cheating on her.

“Shall we just tell her?” Nathan asks, as he looks over at me.

“Fine” I say, as I nod. I don’t even know if I want her to know this, but I suppose she can’t do much when she’s in Spain can she?

“We’re engaged” Nathan says down the phone.

“What? But Rheanna is only sixteen” she says, in horror.

“Not for much longer though and besides, age is just a number” I say.

“Not in the eyes of the law it isn’t” Shauna says, in disgust.

“Well we don’t care about that. We love each other and besides I’m over the age of consent, so it’s fine” I tell her, but I know she won’t be happy with that.

“You love him? Seriously?” she laughs. “Well, he doesn’t love you honey. He told me the same lies”

“Yeah that’s because you’re a dog, I actually love Rheanna. It’s not a lie” Nathan says, which makes me smile a little.

“Whatever” Shauna sighs down the phone at us.

“Shauna, what the hell are you doing in there?” I hear someone ask in the background.

“I’m just doing my fake tan” she calls back.

“We live in Spain, what’s wrong with you?” the male voice says, sounding slightly annoyed.

“I know, but I like to be darker than anyone else. I like to have the best tan” she calls again. That’s just typical Shauna though.

“I swear that stuff’s bad for the baby” the male voice says, sounding quieter than before.

“Baby? What baby? I thought that was all a lie” Nathan says, in shock, but she doesn’t even bother to answer, she just hangs up the phone. I look at Nathan in slight panic and he looks back at me. What if she really is pregnant with Nathan’s baby?

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now