Part Eight

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“Well shall I tell them or do you want to?” Nathan says, as he turns to look at me with a smile, but somehow I can’t feel happy at this point in time. I just need to find out who I slept with, then I can get my life back on track again and I can finally be happy about the engagement.

“Just put us out of our misery already” Tom says, as he rolls his eyes.

“You can tell them” I tell him, nervously. I need to try and watch everyone’s reactions at the same time and I just know that’s almost impossible, what if I miss the person’s reaction? Then I might never know who it was.

“Alright then” Nathan says and I can tell how happy he is about telling everyone. It just makes me feel even guiltier about the mistake I made the other night. “Me and Rheanna are getting married” I say, and at that moment I see everyone’s face drop. How am I supposed to know which one it is now?
“But she’s only sixteen” Siva says.

“I know, but we’re going to wait until she’s old enough, obviously” Nathan says, trying not to let them pull his mood down.

“And besides, it’s my birthday in a couple of days anyway” I tell them.

“Two parties can’t wait” Tom smirks. Everyone knows he loves to party.
“Yeah” Nathan says, as he squeezes my hand slightly.

“Let’s take a picture of the happy couple then” Tom says, as he pulls out his phone. At that moment I feel my blood run cold. It’s the same phone, which I found in Max’s bed this morning. It must have been him. How could he do that to Nathan and what if he tells him about what happened? But then again, he might not even remember what happened, he does drink a lot, so it wouldn’t surprise me. But then what if he does and I don’t say anything to him and he doesn’t think about it one day, but he just comes out and tells Nathan. I have to make sure that he is on board with the whole secretive thing. There is no way Nathan can ever find out what happened between us. It was just a drunken mistake and it will never happen again. I just hope Tom agrees with me. I should have just gone home that night. I know I should, I just wanted to get Nathan out of my mind. I thought he was cheating on me, but I was wrong, so instead I’ve turned out to be the unfaithful one.

“Rheanna?” Nathan says which pulls me out of my thoughts. I blink a few times to get my vision back in focus and I soon realise that I’ve been staring at Tom. What if Nathan guesses that something happened?

“Yes?” I ask, as I try to swallow the lump which is in my throat.

“Are you alright Rheanna?” I hear Max ask me and as I look around the room I notice that everyone is looking at me weird and Max is looking quite concerned.

“Yeah” I say.

“You look like you’ve seen a ghost” Nathan tells me, as he lets go of my hand and puts his arm around me. I feel like I’m about to faint and my stomach is screaming at me to throw up, but I have to hold it together. Tom wouldn’t be that stupid to tell Nathan and I’m certainly not going to do it.

“No, I just feel a little ill. I’ll be fine in a minute” I say, trying to hold my head together. Nathan doesn’t say another word, he just leads me over to the sofa, where he sits me down. He looks at me and he looks like he’s actually scared for me. I have never had anyone look that worried before. To be honest, I’ve never had anyone care that much about me. But as I look into his green eyes, I can’t help bursting into tears.

This just shows me how much this is going to hurt him and how I will never be able to cope without him. He’s everything to me and he’s the only one that I have ever loved. If Tom tells Nathan about what happens I will never forgive him. It would ruin my life if he found out. “Do you need to go to hospital or anything?” Nathan asks me, as he holds my face, so he’s looking into my eyes. What he doesn’t realise is that there is nothing wrong with me. All of this is just nerves, but he seems to think this is a life or death situation.

“No, I’m fine” I tell him, as I wipe my eyes, but as my eyes focus again, the first person I see is Tom, which just sets me off again.

“Maybe we should leave you too it” Jay says, sounding sympathetic.

“Yeah, we need to go dress shopping anyway” Rachel agrees.

“I can’t come dress shopping with you, remember. I’m not supposed to see it until the wedding day” Jay says, which just reminds me of the wedding we will be having soon. I just don’t know if I’m going to be able to cope with waiting two years and not even knowing whether we will be together by that time. He will probably run a mile when he find out about mine and Tom’s little secret. “Alright, I’m off then Nathan. I hope you get well soon Rheanna” Jay says, and with that he and Rachel disappear out of the door. It’s not long until it’s just me and Nathan left.
I will just have to find a way to pull Tom aside next time I see him. So I can warn him about everything. That seems like the best option. “Maybe you need something to eat. I’ll go make you something” Nathan says, as he kisses me on the forehead before standing up.

“I love you Nathan, you know that don’t you?” I ask him, which makes him turn back to face me.

“Of course” he says and he sounds quite startled. “And I love you too Rheanna” he adds, which makes me feel even worse.

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now