Part Thirteen

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“Don’t give me that Rheanna. It must be something to make you cry” Nathan says and I can see the concern in his eyes.

“Fine, it’s just” I start, but how am I supposed to finish that sentence. I can’t break his heart by telling him I cheated on him because then he’ll want to know who with and if I tell him I don’t know, it will make him think I’m protecting the other guy. I can’t tell him, not until I know who I slept with.

“It’s just what?” he asks me.

“Shauna’s ruining everything” I sigh and he pulls me back into a hug.

“Don’t worry. We just need to remember that we love each other and no one can ever tare us apart” he tells me and at that moment there’s a knock at the door. Nathan pulls away from me and makes his way to the door. I follow him and as he opens the door, we realise that nobody is there. I look down and then I notice that whoever it was has left a small package, with the “Sorry” written on it.

“What the hell is this?” Nathan asks, as he leans down and picks the package up. He turns around and looks at me with his eyebrow raised.

“I don’t know” I say, in confusion. Nathan walks back into the living room, leaving the front door open. I shut it before following him. I sit down on the couch next to a very confused looking Nathan.

“Who do you think it’s from?” he asks me, as he stares at the package, which is now on the coffee table.

“I have no idea” I say.

“Do you think it could be from Shauna? She did ruin our party, didn’t she?” Nathan suggests, but I have a different idea.

“Why don’t we just open it and find out?” I ask.

“Alright” he sighs, as he picks the package off of the table and rips it open.

“Ew what the hell?” Nathan asks, as he drops the items on the floor. Inside the envelope is a pair of knickers and a bra. My blood runs cold as I realise who they belong to. “This must be from Shauna. Is she seriously crazy? I can’t believe I ever went out with that slag” Nathan says and it’s then I realise that when he finds out what I’ve done, that’s what he’ll think of me. He’ll think I’m just another slutty ex girlfriend because lets face it; he’s never going to stick around when this is blown out of the water. “Rheanna, are you ok?” he asks me, which pulls me out of my thoughts and back to the awful reality.

“Yeah” I lie, as I look into his green eyes.

“Are you sure? You don’t look too well” he tells me, with his concerned eyes.

“No, really. I’m fine” I insist.

“Ok, well I’m going to throw these in the bin. I’ll be back in a minute” he tells me, as he wonders off into the kitchen. How am I supposed to tell him that those were mine? Whoever I slept with must feel guilty though, after all, the package did say ‘Sorry’. Surely that means they’re not planning on telling Nathan, but does that mean they’re not planning to mention it again. Then I might never know who I slept with and if there’s one thing I need to know, it’s that. I can’t go the rest of my life wondering which one of my husband’s friends I slept with. I think I would end up going insane if I had to do that.

“Rheanna” Nathan calls from the kitchen.

“Jay’s just texted me, he wants us to know if we can go venue viewing with him and Rachel tomorrow. What do you think?” he asks me.

“Why us?” I call back to him.

“Because I’m the best man and you’re the head bridesmaid, remember?” he asks, as he walks back into the living room and takes his previous position next to me.

“Oh yeah” I smile, as he puts his right arm around me.

“And just think, it might help us decide what sort of place we want for our own wedding” he tells me.

“Yeah, if Shauna doesn’t decide to ruin everything” I sigh.

“Well we won’t let her, will we?” Nathan says, as he leans in and kisses me. The only problem is, when I say I hope Shauna doesn’t ruin things, I really mean me or the person I slept with. I hate to think one stupid mistake could ruin everything me and Nathan have worked so hard for. We’re finally together and everyone knows now. We’ve been through so much, but it only takes one slip up to undo all of that work doesn’t it?

I don't want this here to end (Sequel to 'Smiling, like there's nothing wrong')Where stories live. Discover now