Meet up

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Megan's POV

Luckily after eating me and Sirius managed to get out of the house without any run-ins with Kreacher or his family. Rushing out the door the warm air hit me reminding me it was summer. I almost forgot with how dark it was in the Black household.

Sirius checked his watch as we began walking.

"I have no idea where we are going so I hope you know the way" I mention as we walk through a park opposite his house.
It was filled with chatter and children running around, I missed the times when life was so care free and I didn't have to worry about being a werewolf... stupid wolf bit me when I wasn't even in the wrong.
Shaking off the bad memory I rushed to quickly catch up with Sirius who had stormed ahead.

"Where are we meeting them all exactly?" I asked as we walked down a  bustling road people trying to sell us random objects from their stalls. Someone even tried to make me buy some disturbing looking vegetable.

" A Muggle cafe, not too far from here, hopefully it's not too busy or the others have saved us a seat" Sirius explained as he checked the road before grabbing my wrist and pulling me across.

I yanked my arm out his hand, "I can walk on my own thank you"

Sirius chuckled," you definitely haven't changed since the time I met you on the train"

Walking along the pavement I reminisced the time I bet the marauders, and wow I did not expect to have such a crazy year with them.

"Yeah you were a brat, you still are" I stuck my tongue out at the boy.

"I try" Sirius cheekily said as he then paused in front of a bright looking shop, or cafe I should say.

He pushed open the door and a little bell rung out. The cashier welcomed us and Sirius motioned for me to find the others. I walked down past the counter and round the corner into a  back room which was filled with booths and chairs many were occupied but I scanned the room and quickly found the group.My eyes lit up when Remus and I made eye contact and I rushed over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you!" Remus smiled and kissed me briefly. I blushed a light red, still it really used to being so public in front of our friends. Besides the truth and dare games and mistletoe.

Remus grabbed me by my waist and made me sit on his lap.
"I can't help but want you close after I haven't seen you in a month" Remus kissed my cheek.

"Likewise" I smiled.

I said hello to Lily, Freya, James and Peter and to my surprise Emma. We hadn't manage to speak a lot during school so it was nice to finally see her again.

Sirius walked into the back room and I waved him over. He was carrying a tray which looked like it had butter beer.

"Wha- Sirius I thought you said it was a muggle cafe?" I said as he dished out the drinks to everyone.

Sirius looked at me, "let's just say I know the owners well" he winked at me.

After everyone was comfortable James spoke up, "Don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to see you all but you sounded quite desperate in the letter about meeting up?"

I glanced at Sirius giving him a knowing look. This was going to be awkward to explain. Remus played with one of my hands as he was listening to the conversation start-up.

"Okay, we have a bit of a problem" I started.

Sirius hummed in agreement making Lily look over to him. "It involves you Sirius?"
Sirius looked back at Lily and nodded.
"Let's just say there is a reason to why Megan is back in England early"

"I thought you were coming back around this time anyways?" Emma spoke up.

I nodded. "I was meant to come back in a week or so and stay with Remus and Lily for a few days at a time but, due to something I now can't do that" I looked down.
Remus looked confused, he squeezed my hand in reassurance. " you want to explain?"

I took a deep breathe and spat it out, "Sirius and Me are betrothed"

There were audible gasps everywhere especially from Freya and Remus.
"But Megs? We just got back together I-" Remus rambled.

"Don't worry," I quickly shut him up. "We aren't going to go through with it. We have a plan" I motioned to Sirius to explain it.

"First of all I know my family are only doing it for the blood line, and I think I have a way to stop it. But we will all need your help in keeping it a secret about us supposedly being betrothed. When we get back to Hogwarts, Megan and I will continue like normal with Dating Freya and Remus. Then Megan has the idea of getting her parents out of the agreement but it's definitely a dangerous plan. We trust you all to help us right?" Sirius blabbered out.

There was a few seconds of silence as everyone took in the massive paragraph of information. It was confusing but I can understand why.

"Okay I'll help" Freya smiled, "you better not ditch me now Sirius Black" Freya Joked.

"Course not babe" and Sirius kissed her.

The whole table groaned in annoyance as the couple started to become more heated. James whacked Sirius' arm.

"Seriously mate?" James asked.

"Yes I am Sirius who are you" Sirius cracked out his long aged joke.

We all groaned again at the pathetic joke.

"Anyways now that we have told you our idea let's get down to planning it" I smiled, I pulled out a notebook and some pens, there was no way I was using quills outside of Hogwarts.

Everyone smiled and nodded in agreement. But if only we knew someone was planning on ruining it all.


Hey potterheads!!   Do you guys have any guesses on who the betrayer could be?? 
I hope you have a great week :)

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