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Remus  POV

I slowly awaken from my slumber, all I feel is pain,mainly on my stomach but I also notice my neck hurts immensely as well.

I try to open my eyes but a bright light blocks my view. After adjusting to the new light I notice everything is white,hospital wing.
I turn my head slowly absorbing the pain and see Megan. A cast was wrapped around her left leg and her right arm, I also noticed some bandages on her arm and around her neck.

'Oh no! What have I done!' I thought.
I jump up but stop quickly after getting a small headache,it sub sides quickly and I move over to Megan.
She's sleeping.

There's an empty chair by her bed and I slowly sit down. I gently take her hand in mine.
I stare at her face and just think that I did it to her, but why would she be in the shrieking shack??
As I look over her injuries more carefully I notice she had a broken arm and broken leg, which will mean she'll have to be In a wheelchair. Madame pomfrey prefers fixing broken bones the muggle way especially if it's a really bad breakage or two or more bones are broken.

I then notice my cheeks are wet, I've been crying.I wipe my eyes and stand and up, I can't look at the state I left Megan in.
I clamber back into my bed wincing in pain and clutching my stomach and soon fall back into a dreamless sleep.

Megan's POV

All I feel is pain.Literally everywhere,my neck, arms, stomach legs, hands.

I feel someone let go of my hand. Who was there?I couldn't open my eyes or speak at the moment because I felt like I was being hit with the cruciatus curse.

The pain slowed down slightly and I slowly opened my eyes. I saw white, was I in heaven? No I can't be I wouldn't be able to feel pain.
It must be the hospital wing. Great.

I managed to lift myself up to look around and I saw a lifeless body on the bed next to me.Was that Remus? Oh no! Did I attack him? Oh he's going to never what to speak to me again because if what I am...
Stupid werewolf. Why me!
I notice Remus shifting from side to side....whimpering.
"Why my fault" he spoke in a panicking voice, I was going to speak when he shot up and then he screwed his face up in pain and clutched his stomach.

"Remus?"I said worried about what his response would be.

"Megan?,"He said as he turned his face to look at me.

"Hi"I croaked. As I noticed how dry my throat was.

"Stupid question but how are you?"Remus said still with a worried expression.

"Oh I feel like I could dance and jump with joy"I said sarcastically but I laughed a bit at the end.

"I noticed you have some letters" Remus said
And I averted my attention to the small pile of letter.

"Oh great..."I said and I picked up the pile with my good arm and flicked through.

"Stacey, Jemma, Family"I said as I went through them.

I picked up Jemma and Stacey's joint letter and read it.


We heard from Dumbledore what got attacked by another werewolf and you fell down a flight of stairs.
We wish we could come and visit..hopefully we can persuade professor Klips to let us visit. We sent you some chocolate because we know how much you love it and how it helps keep your Wolf containEd.

Beastly love(Remus lupin) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now