Polyjuice potion

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Megans POV:

It is a week after the full moon and Remus and I had gotten closer every day. We were gonna test our polyjuice potion today!

I had gotten Lily's hair ready, she was still in shock of me being a werewolf but she said nothing could get in the way of our friendship. Emma wasn't too surprised once she learnt about it which was odd but I guess that's just her.

Remus had gotten James' hair in the middle of the week when Professor McGonagall asked him to wake him up in the middle of transfiguration. He simply plucked a couple hairs from his scalp and kept one or two for the potion. Apparently, James had swore under his breath so no one but him, Remus, Sirius and Peter could hear him.

Lily and James also had some of Remus and I hair and we all headed to potions very excited.Well when I say all I mean me, Remus, James, Lily, Sirius and Peter. Emma however did not want to come and claimed she had to catch up on some homework in the library.

Even though the full moon was a week ago I had to use crutches to get around because my leg still wasn't fully recovered. Remus being the gentlemen he was carried my books for me.
"I can't wait!"I said excitedly!

"It's going to be so strange"Lily said.

"Yeah but not many students get the chance to do this"Remus pointed out

"I agree" James and Sirius said together which was kinda freaky. It's like they can see into each others brains and say the same thing the same time. Or its just a best friends thing.

Remus carried my books and his to potions. It was almost our turn to use our polyjuice potion. I was so scared. What am I thinking Remus helped make the potion. Its not like it was me alone, after seeing me try and make potions they had to let Remus help me.. Otherwise I might turn into a ferret or something.

"Remus thanks for carrying my books." I told him politely
"No problem Megan, otherwise you'd have to push them along the floor with your crutches or something. And the trick stairs, you'd never see your books again, and we can't have that now can we?" Remus replied

"No professor!" I joked

"Haha very funny." Remus said joking along.

"So professor Lupin! That has a ring to it! I like it"I said laughing.

Remus POV

Wow her laugh is so adorable...

"So mr Lupin are you sure about taking the potion will turn me into Lily and not a ferret?"megan asked slightly worried.

"Yes you will turn into Lily! don't worry!"I said as I put my hand on top of hers.

"Thanks"Megan said as she looked up.

"So what do you think will happen when Lily and James turn into us?"I asked.

"this" Megan said and she crossed her eyes. I started laughing.

We got a few glares from the other students but Lily and James where smirking.

"Okay Megan and Remus its your turn"Slughorn

He looked down and saw our hands touching and smirked at us

I could feel my face heating up.
I glanced at Megan her face was also turning red.

Megan POV:

Remus and I walked to the front of the class and not hesitating took Lily and James' hairs and dropped them into the potion, taking a swig I forced it down with its horrific taste.

I tried as hard as I could to not spit it out.
I succeeded.
So did Remus.

But my crutches fell and I felt my face bubbling up and soon I was Lily. I didn't need my crutches anymore and I had Lily's leg so it wasn't broken!

Remus looked exactly like James. I thought i would take the mic out of Lily and kiss Remus, looking at him seemed to have the same idea so when we went back to our seats we kissed. It was an amazing kiss but it wasn't the same because I wasn't kissing Remus I was kissing James.

Lily gave us the stink eye. I gave Lily my crutches and said

"You'll need these!" I told her.
"Thanks Megs" She replied.
"Why did you kiss Remus?"Lily said

"What? I didn't, Lily kissed James" I said. Smirking and I went and sat back down as Lily.

Soon it was Lily and James turn to go up. I got a knot in my stomach as I just realised what they where going to do.

"Remus"I said quietly so that Slughorn didn't hear us.

"Yeah" he whispered back.

"James and Lily are going to get us back somehow..and they are probably going to copy what we did.."i said scared.

"Oh no.."Remus said.

Sure enough when James and Lily sat down they started whispering,when the door creaked open and Dumbledore walked in
James and Lily looked at each other and kissed.

Great now dumbledore will think we are dating how awkward.

Dumbledore went over to James and Lily who look like us.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, that is James and Lily they took a polyjuice potion the ones who look like James and Lily are Megan and Remus." Slughorn chirped in

"Ah thank you professor, very helpful." Dumbledore said

"Mr Lupin you haven't been tutoring Miss Shadows recently." Dumbledore said calmy.

"Sorry sir we've just been busy." Remus replied.

"Don't worry Mr Lupin just try to start next week please." Dubledore stated

"Okay sir, we will sir" we chorused together.

Do you want to start tomorrow because it's Saturday and we have hogsmead on Sunday"Remus asked.

"Sure I'm ahead with my homework so it should be fine"I replied.

I noticed Dumbledore was still talking to Slughorn. Hmm strange. He usually doesn't talk to a teacher during a lesson.

Professor Dumbledore started  leaving when he turned around and looked at James and Lily and said.

"I am happy you have told your feelings for each other Mrs shadows and Mr lupin I am very proud!" He left.

I felt myself burn up! I hid my face in the hands and I noticed Remus had covered his face with his book.

"Class dismissed"Slughorn announced.

Me and Remus had turned back to ourselves by now and we rushed outside to our favourite tree to get away from all the embarrassment.

{Re-written 23rd Feb 2021}

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