Christmas! Part 1

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Megan's POV

"Get up!, Get up!"I heard someone shaking me awake

"Leave me alone"I mumbled waving my arms around trying to push them away.

"Why! It's Christmas!"They shouted.

I shoot up and bashed heads with Emma. Rubbing my head I smiled at Emma.

"Why didn't you tell me!"I grinned and jumped out of bed.

"I just did"Emma rolled her eyes and crossed her arms as she watched me clambered out of my bed.

I rushed into the bathroom and had a quick wash before grabbing Emma by the arm and pulling her out our dorm,

"Presents!"I gasped and rushed over to the tree where a pile of presents where.

Sirius,James,Peter and Remus were also down sorting through their presents.

"Woah woah woah, guys wait for us, Jeez Eager much!"Emma told them her arms out stretched. They all froze what they were doing.

We are all still in our  pyjamas while we sat in a wonky circle in front of the Christmas tree. We sort the presents into piles, my presents in front of me, obviously. I open a scruffily wrapped present.

My guess it's from Peter. I rip the reindeer wrapping apart and see a sketch pad and some pencils. I'll definitely be busy drawing now.
"Thank you Peter" I say gratefully.
He smiles in reply.

I open 5 more presents and get, a stack of books from Remus, a book of 500 pranks from James, from Sirius a book of jokes, From Freya concealer that matches my face perfectly,I need remember to send her a thank you letter later, and from Emma, a goo slingshot.

A pristinely wrapped present sits in front of me asking to be opened. I unwrap it slowly and see a lovely box of bath bombs sitting on a pile of straw. There's a note attached to the box by a piece of string that says,

Dear Megan,

I'm not good at apologies but I do have to say something, I didn't kidnap you, I swear-

I stop reading there. I know it's from Lily. But I'm still not sure about her, she kidnapped me,why would I forgive her so quickly.

I put it to the side and saw two other presents. The first one was labelled from my parents.
I tore open the green wrapping to reveal a camera.I guess they knew I enjoyed taking loads photos.It was really nice.

I looked at the other present and saw it was from Stacey and Jemma.

Tearing open the paper I laughed at the huge box full of chocolate.That wasn't even going to last a week I knew it.

When I had finished everyone else was also done, with a reasonable amount of presents in front of them and wrapping paper covered the floor that we could no longer see.

"What should we do now?"James asked.

"Dunno"Sirius replied shrugging looking at him.

I stood up to check the weather and squealed excitedly. Snow.

"Snow!"I shouted happily before rushing to get changed the others following quickly behind.

I quickly get dressed into a cream jumper with black patterns all over it,and jet black skinny jeans . I put on my favourite brown boots, quickly tie up the laces. I accessorise with a necklace with a delicate feather charm dangling off it.

I walk into the ensuite bathroom and throw my hair up into a french fishtail plait. It looks alright in the mirror but it doesn't really matter since we're going out in the snow. I put on a small layer of foundation but don't bother with anything else,we are going in snow after all. I throw on a purple scarf and run down to the common room to see everyone either already there and Remus coming down the stairs like me. His eyes looming on me for a few seconds.

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