Hogsmead and flying

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Megan's POV

About a month later the hogsmead trip came up,and I had this 'blind date'.I didn't have a clue who it was, ever since the boys mentioned it to me they never brought it up again, James also claims he set up a blind date for Remus and Lily.I'm not that stupid to realise that he set lily up with himself.
With Remus I'm not to sure who he could be set up with,if he set me up with Remus I would be happy..I may have a tiny crush on him.

"Megan...Mmeeggaaann"I heard Sirius say.

"Huh oh it's you what do you want Black"I said as I stopped daydreaming I noticed everyone was eating breakfast.

"Are you going to eat?"Sirius asked me

"Oh right yeah"I said as I grabbed a pancake and waffles and spread a ton of Nutella and strawberries,

"Wow you sure can eat a lot"Emma one of my friends said.

Emma was in the same year as me but she was in slytherin,we only had a couple of lessons together but other than that in free periods and any other time we spent a lot of time together.

Emma like me was a halfblood witch,many of you will be like 'hang on only purebloods are meant to be in Slytherin' but Emma hates it there we don't know why she got put in there,but we both grew up watching loads of films and read loads of books.

"Yeah I do"I said grabbing some toast.

"Come on hurry up Megan! you need to get ready for the hogsmead date!"Lily said as she as making me eat faster.

"Fine lets go"I said as I grabbed another piece of toast and we headed out to our dorm..

Emma parted from us and said she'd meet us at Hogsmead if she saw us, she said she had a few letters to send beforehand.

-Lily POV-

I have no clue who I'm going on a blind date with. If it's James I really don't know what in going to do. I mean he has been trying to get me to go in a date with him so this could be the perfect loop hole,I wouldn't mind going on a date with him I just hope that if it is him then it's a good one.

When we got to our dorm I lay on my bed.

"You do realise it might be a good idea if you get changed" Megan said as she headed for the shower.

"Yeah yeah I know"

Megan's POV

After getting washed I decided on clothes.It was very windy so I decided that I would wear my denim tight skinny jeans and my red jumper.I then picked out a grey beanie.I got dressed quickly and put on my black boots.I brushed through my hair leaving it down and put on some concealer and mascara and I was done.

"All done!"I said as I grabbed my grey scarf.

"Finally Megan! you took so long!"Lily said to me.

"Sorry" I said as I grabbed my book and started reading while waiting for lily.

Lily's POV

She takes ages I thought as she strolled out the bathroom.

"Finally Megan! You took so long!"I said as I started heading to the bathroom to get ready.

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