A Happy New Year

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"Ugh" I face palmed remembering I left my wand in my dorm. Stupid peeves.

I see Emma taking her wand out of her robe and flicking her wrist violently at the goo that my feet are trapped in. Nothing happened. She flicks her wand again, and again, and again.

"I swear I know the counter curse"Emma tried again.

Still, nothing happens.

Behind me a dark shadow muttered something and the goo evaporates. The shadow comes into the light. Lily.

"Umm,thanks" I muttered moving my feet.

Lily simply smiled,"hey Megan,can I talk to you for a moment?"She asked politely.

Emma rushed down the corridor dragging Freya with her. Freya had only just come back from her Christmas break a few days ago.

I sigh knowing I'd have to speak with her. It has been a few months.

"Okay. Let's just get this over with." I reply, tiredness etched into my voice.

Lily starts walking,I walk slightly behind, I used to walk next to her, but the time still hasn't healed the wound that separated us.
Lily leads me into a deserted hallway, I start hyperventilating, thinking she might try to kidnap me again.

"I'm not going to kidnap you." She says reassuringly. My breathing steadies.

Instead of kidnapping me like I initially thought, she just stands opposite me and opens her mouth to start talking.

"I didn't kidnap you, please listen to the whole story." She pleads.

I nod and gesture for her to carry on.

"In the night, when I was pretending to sleep, I felt someone take one of my hairs. I thought it was you, getting ready to prank me tomorrow morning by using polyjuice potion or something so I didn't think anything of it. But then I heard around four pairs of feet. I thought the rest of the dorm might be helping you, or the marauders." Lily took a deep breath.

I nodded.

"I woke up the next morning and you weren't there. I thought that you must be at breakfast. I didn't see you there. This carried on for two more days, I started looking for you all around the castle. I tried tracking your wand, but that was in your trunk. I hadn't seen Amy either, it was very suspicious. She had been missing the same amount of days as you. Her friends weren't looking for her, which I put together thinking that Amy must have kidnapped you, and took my hair to use the polyjuice potion."

"Wh-what" I managed to spluttered out.

"I didn't kidnap you"Lily repeated.

"No not that"I said shutting my eyes and putting my had over my face trying to think of the right words.

"You alright Megan? I mean if you don't want to-"Lily started to speak.

No don't!"I quickly stopped her.

Lily shut her mouth quickly.

"Sorry,it's just it's strange..I was just so certain it was you..."I explained.

Lily stood there quiet.

"I'm sorry for being so rude to you....your forgiven"I muttered.

Lilly nods gently.

I stand still, dumbfounded. I see Lily walk away out the corner of my eye, but I hardly acknowledge it. My brain felt numb.

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