Blind dates

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Megan's POV

"Now Megan I assume you know why your here?"Dumbledore asked me.

"Umm no?"I answered

"Well even though you went to a witchcraft and wizardry school before coming here, I want you to have a tutor to help you with your work because I know at applewood you didn't study simple spells. They started straight away with the more difficult ones"

"So your telling me Remus is going to be my tutor?"I asked

"Yes I have noticed that Remus and yourself get along well and I know for a fact that Remus is a very clever student"Dumbledore stated.

"so I tutor Megan for catch up lessons?"Remus asked

"Yes now you best hurry along to your next lesson you don't want to do more catching up to do, do you!"He chuckled a bit and span around and walked to his desk.

Remus POV

I'm not annoyed about doing the tutoring.It means I get to spend more time with Megan but the fact that she hasn't learnt any simple spells confuse me.

"So if they didn't teach you any simple spells what did they teach you?"I asked curious

"Well I became a witch last year not when I was 11 and they didn't give me any catch up lessons" Megan told me as we walked to COMC.

---5mins later-----

Sirius POV

"Oi prongs come over here"I shouted to James

"What is it Padfoot?"James asked confused

"Well prongs a hogsmead visit is coming up"I said smirking

"Yeah and?"He stated

"Well prongs why don't we set up Evans with a blind date..that way you can go on a date with her!"I said smiling.

"You know what Padfoot you are a genius!"he said obviously planning the date in his head.

"Speaking of geniuses here comes one now"I said pointing to Moony who was walking down with Megan.

"Moony!!get down here!"I shouted.

He looked up and gave me a thumbs up.

Remus POV

"Moony!!get down here!"I heard James yell up to me.

I gave him the thumbs up in return.

"Moony? Is that your nickname?"Megan asked

"Umm kinda but it's a long story anyways I think that's my que to go and talk to them. so we can start that tutoring of yours soon maybe Thursday?I said
"Sure see ya moony" Megan said emphasising the moony.

"shut up!"I laughed back.

I walked over to Padfoot,Prongs and Wormtail.

"Finally moony we've been waiting ages we have something to tell you!"Padfoot said

"It's great!"wormtail said

"What is it?"I'm asked

"Prongs here is going to set a blind date up for him and lily!"Sirius said looking at James who had a massive grin on his face.

Prongs then whispered something in Padfoot ear.

Sirius POV

"so we are also going to set Moony and Shadows up on a date aswell"Prongs whispered in my ear

"Awesome" I said

"So moony what you doing on the first hogsmead trip next month?"I asked him

"Umm nothing probably going to buy.."he start  saying

"Wrong you have a date"Prongs stated

"What?"He said confused

Megan POV

I arrived at COMC and I was sitting next to lily concentrating on my work about unicorn blood when I notice James give a thumbs up to lily.

"What's that about" I asked

"Oh um me and James have set you up with a blind date for the hogsmead trips that start up next month"she said smiling at me.

"Oh well I as planning on going to the bookshop and buying a butterbeer and read"I said.

"Oh well I was really hoping that you could go on the date"lily said

"No it will be my first time going and just really wanna be alone"I stated simply as I turned back to my work.

"Please Megan me and James took ages planning out who you could go with."Lily pleaded.

I ignored her.

"They might happily go to the bookshop I don't know just please, they could be your perfect match"Lily pleaded even more than last time.

"Uh fine but I'm not letting to dress me up and stuff I can do that on my own"I said and turned back to my work.

"Aww thanks Megan!"Lily said with a grin on her face.

She turned to James and gave him the thumbs up.

I'm going to wish I never agreed to this.

-Sirius POV-

When I saw Lily's thumbs up I made my way over to her to tell her she has a blind date.

"So Evans I got some news"I said

"What is it Black"she said angrily.

"I have a blind date set up for your hogsmead trip"he stated

"What?with who"Evans asked

"Now now Evans do you really think I would fall for that it's a date and you won't forget it " I explained and with that I turned away and headed back to Prongs,Moony and Wormtail,

"So did she say yes?"prongs asked

"Yes prongs she said yes"I said

"Oh yeah oh yeah I have a date with Evans hahaha"Prongs sang

"You do realise your not meant to know about who your set up with"I said to prongs.

James POV

"But still!!" I said

The day soon came to an end and the last thing I thought of was

I've got a date with lily Evans

Sorry it's short !! Hope your enjoying it so far!!

{Re-Written 9th Feb 2021}

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