Old friends

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Megan's POV

I asked Professor Dumbledore if Stacey and Jemma could come and stay at Hogwarts for a week, and he said


Surprisingly professor Kilps didn't have much persuading done to let them come.
The good thing is we actually have a guest dorm in every house. So they will be staying in Gryffindor because that's where I am.

Unfortunately I still have to stay in the hospital wing with Remus until I can get out my wheelchair so Freya is going to show them where to go when they want to get to the dorm.

It only takes a couple of seconds for them to get here so they are flooing straight to the hospital fireplace!!
Remus had to stop me falling off the bed a couple of times because I was boucing around frantically.

"Stop moving around Megan! They'll be here soon!"Remus said.

"I know but I can't control myself I literally cannot stop moving or speaking! I'm soo excited!"I said moving again.

"Looks like I'm going to have to shut you up aren't I?"Remus said to me rolling his eyes.

"Yeah probably but ho...."I was cut of short by Remus pressing his soft lips against mine.

By his sudden action it definitely shut me up and stopped me moving.

After a couple of seconds we parted. I felt myself blushing.

I smiled and simply stated.
"Well that shut me up!"

Remus scratched the back of his neck
"It was the first thing that came to mind!"he said.

All of a sudden I heard something crash by Madame pomfrey's office.

"What was that?"I asked confused

Only a couple of seconds later did Stacey and Jemma appear covered in soot carrying their luggage.

"Hi!" I practically scream in excitement.

"Hey!" They say in sync about as excited as me.

"Is this Remus?" Stacey asks pointing to Remus.

"The one and only!" He replies smirking.

"Actually we know another Remus in America." Jemma says a matter of factly.

"No need to be mean." Remus says fake pouting.

"So where's this girl Freya to show is where to go?" Stacey asks.

"She should be here in 5, 4, 3..." I was cut of by Freya practically bursting through the door holding her arms above her head.

"Sorry I'm late." She gasps.

"Don't worry you're just in time, Freya this is Stacey and this is Jemma, Stacey and Jemma this is Freya." I say introducing everybody.

"Hey! I'm Freya nice to finally meet you guys!"Freya said enthusiastically

"Yeah you to!"Stacey replied.

"So what are we gunna do because I can't exactly go anywhere.."I said confused.

"Yeah that might be a slight problem..."Jemma stated.

"We could just chat in here or go outside somehow without Madame pomfrey seeing?"Remus suggested.

"Yeah!"I said happily.

We hadn't managed to get away from the hospital wing and so Stacey, Jemma and Freya, Remus and I where in the hospital wing telling funny stories about each other.

We then planned to go to the Gryffindor dorm room and show them where they will be staying, where we stay, and what to do if somebody tries to kill you. A bit extreme but essential.

We go to eat dinner first though. We lead them to the great hall and sit on the Gryffindor table as usual. Professor Dumbledore see's us coming in and taps his fork on his glass.

"Attention!" He shouts.

"Please could you give a warm welcome to Stacey and Jemma from Applewood who will be staying here for a week!" He asks.

We hear a roar of shouting and welcomes from every house while Stacey and Jemma go bright red.

As dumbledore manage to calm everyone down we all wait for the feast to begin.
With a click of his fingers all the amazing food appear.

"I can't wait to try everything!"Stacey said piling her food sky high.

"Yeah I remember you telling us that the food here is way better than applewood" Jemma said piling chicken in her plate.

I just laugh at how much food they collect before speaking.

"Guys you do realise the food just replenishes itself when it's empty!"I said laughing along with the marauders.

"What!"Jemma said annoyed

"Why didn't you tell us!"Stacey moaned.

"Sorry..."I said taking a bite of a potato waffle.

I turn my head to see Remus looking at me and I blush remembering the kiss early..

We quickly look away from each other,it's stupid really...I mean we aren't actually dating anymore after the Amy incident, but I wish we where.

"So what are we going to do cause it is a Saturday?!Freya said

"We could always go outside cause I haven't been outside the hospital wing for a week so..."I said.

"Yeah it gets pretty boring sitting in there"Remus added on.

"Yeah that could be cool! Mind you we haven't done a prank in a while..."Sirius said he began piling up more food onto his plate.

"Yeah! Mind you we need to come up with a really good one!"James said.

"But..not our best we need to save the best one for next month cause of Christmas."I stated.

"Yeah" Peter said.

"Really Megan....you almost got expelled for pranking..."Stacey said.

"Soo"I said confused.

"Do you really want to get expelled from here?"Jemma said.


"So don't do it"Stacey and Jemma said simultaneously.

"You do realize Dumbledore loves our pranks"Sirius butted in.

"Really"Jemma scoffed.

"I'd like to see that" Stacey said rolling her eyes but glancing towards the old man who seemed to be doing shots with another teacher...

"Then let us do the prank"Remus said.

"Fine."Stacey and Jemma said in sync once again.

"Let the pranking begin"James said smirking.
{Re-Written 29th March 2021}

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