The halloween dance

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The girls dresses ( I removed the image because the dresses are actually awful lol)

Megan's POV:

I woke up to the sound of Lily taking more pictures but laughing at them really hard.

"Hey Lils what are you laughing at?" I asked.

"Just some funny pictures I took." She
replied. She was staring at the camera and smiling to herself.

"Okay well what time is it?" I asked.

"9 am." She said

"What time we going shopping?" I asked

Tonight is the halloween dance. Obviously I'm going with Remus. Dumbledore being Dumbledore didn't mention the dance until a few days ago and so everyone was hectic trying to find dates or get dresses.

Surprisingly Lily actually accepted James' offer of going together.

"Um... Around 11 am." She said excitedly.

All the girls were going together as in Lily, Freya, Amy and Me. Emma had decided to go to the dance but not really make any effort.
Amy's not going with anyone. Freya is going with Sirius. She's got light brown hair with a tint of blonde and ginger She has blue with a bit of grey eyes. She is  pale and is very. Amy has got long, wavy, ginger hair and bright, blue eyes. She is also tall and has peachy skin. I hated how perfect Amy looked. The girl had flawless skin compared to mine which had scars on them.

I put on my pink checkered shirt and maroon hoodie, with my light blue jeans with rips on the knees.
We we're all ready by 10:30am and were down at breakfast. The girls were walking to hogsmeade by 10:45 and were in the dress shop by 11 am.

Lily picked out a lovely emerald dress and peachy heels.As well as glittery earrings.

"Oh my gosh! You look fabulous Lily!" I exclaimed.

"Its a bit. You know. LUSH!" Amy said. Remind me why Amy is even here...

"Wow just wow. You look amazing Lils!" Freya said looking amazed.

"My turn" Amy said exitedly.

She rummaged around in the changing room for a couple of minutes and came out looking at her dress and twirling.

"You look lovely Amy." I forced out with gritted teeth and a fake smile.

"Amazing." Freya chirped with her high voice.

"Wow you look awesome." Lily acknowledged.

"Go on Megan your go." Freya added.

"Okay!" I replied!

I turned around in the changing room and grabbed my dress. I undid the zip and took out my dress. Its beautiful. It's blue with the bottom of the back slightly longer and a gold belt. I silently put it on with no difficulty whatsoever. I walked out of the changing room and twirled to show off my dress. I looked stunning!

"Stunning!" Freya complimented.

"You look amazing Megan" Amy agreed. We all did the same for Freya and she bought a red dress and black heels.

After buying the dresses and accessories we headed back to the castle

Remus POV:

All the boys were extremely slow at breakfast and the girls had gone ages ago. When we were finally out of the castle and on our way to hogsmeade it was 11:30 am.
We were going to the tux shop that was a street away from the dress shop where Megan and all the girls are, or were.

I picked out the top of a tux I was going to wear that and jeans. Peter got a gold tux. It wasn't very flattering but he somewhat pulled it off. He was going with an Slytherin girl none of us knew their name or what they looked like.

James got a full black tux with a white blazer. Finally Sirius got a grey tux with jeans as well. We bought the tuxes and were out if the shop in something like 20 mins.

———Skipping to tonight——-

Megans POV:

I got my dress on with ease and all the other girls were ready and we were walking down to the great hall. I had my hair curled, Freya insisted on putting some makeup on me so I let her do a natural look.

Remus was waiting at the bottom of the stairs staring at me. I got to the bottom of the stairs and he held out his hand and I gently took it.

"You look stunning." Remus complimented

"You don't look to bad yourself." I joke. But he is so freaking handsome.

We made our way down to the great hall which was lit with pumpkins and various spooky items, ghosts were hung around the place although I'm pretty sure the bloody baron and peeves took offence to the awful stereotyped fake ghosts. There were orange and black streamers and banners as well as a very large amount of food and sweets.

"Shall we dance ms Shadows?" Remus asks

"Indeed we shall." I reply.

For most of the time they were playing more upbeat spooky music,  Although Mcgonagall did inform us that slower songs will be played. Hopefully me and Remus can dance to some.

After 20 mins of dancing I very upbeat music, Remus went to get us drinks while I go to the toilet. When I come back I see Amy flirting with Remus, oh of course she's taken the opportunity.

"Fight it Remus, fight it!" I say in my head.

Remus was trying to back away but Amy had her arms around his neck. Remus then bent down and kissed Amy!!!!!!!

I could feel the tears in my eyes and I rushed out of the hall but I caught remus's eye........

I knew it would be to good to be true...obviously he wouldn't like me.. I bet it some prank one me.. Ugh I hate him so much. Why did I even believe he would even enjoy my company. I bet James, Sirius and Peter put him up to it, a simple prank because I trusted them so quickly.

I rushed up to my dorm and changes into my pjs and I curled up into bed. I wanted to sleep and wake up hoping it was all a dream.
I wasn't even surprised that Freya or Lily had come to check on my I guess they were also part of the prank.

I pick up my book and I read for about half and hour and I finally felt sleepy and I drift off to sleep....

{Re-written 26th Feb 2021}

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