Full moon

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Megans POV:

As I wake up I remember that  I was still in the common room after last night, I am still exhausted.

When I got to my dorm I took a quick shower and I put on my favourite navy leggings and my maroon fluffy jumper, and  have my jet-black boots on under my robes.
I suddenly remember that this is the full moon today, I checked my mirror to see that my face was indeed a ghostly white I grab a chocolate bar from the side table next to my bed and eat a few pieces. That helped a bit but not much.

I am also so frightened, its my first full moon at Hogwarts, I have no idea what to do.
Do I hide in the forbidden forest, do I hide behind the castle? Who knows? I wasn't prepared for anything like this.

Usually during the nights I hope and pray I wouldn't wolf out in the corridors or even worse transform in a middle of a lesson and make a fool out of myself.

I usually get outside in time but but I remember People teasing me about of who I am and saying 'come here little doggy, fetch.'
Thats what I've always been afraid of all my life,.
The worst thing about becoming a wolf is who knows your secret especially if you let the worlds biggest gossipers know 'cough cough Kerrie and Georgia cough cough.

I gently wake Lily up as shes running late. Her alarm didn't go off, strange.
Then I think  the boys must of somehow got up here last night and turned off Lily's alarm as a prank.

Lily doesn't wake up so i just shout
All the other girls where down at breakfast so it didn't matter how loud I shouted.

"What . Where." Lily said confused.

"Lils get up your late." I said as I grabbed my bag.

"Oh no!"She said as she jumped out of bed and stringed to the bathroom.

"I will meet you at breakfast!"I shouted through the running water of the shower.

There was no reply so I just headed down.

I was about to tell her my huge secret I guess I just don't have the courage to.
I got down to the great hall and noticed the marurders when sitting eating.

"Hey.."I said and they looked up as I sat down next to James. I was still too awkward to look at Remus because if what happened last night.

"Jeez Megan your really pale are you okay?"Peter asked.
"Yeah I'm just feeling a little ill"I lied, "I think it was what I ate yesterday"

I glanced at Remus to see he was also just as pale.
Remus caught me eye and quickly arose.

"I Gotta go see you"He said and rushed out the great hall, it looked like he was heading to the library. But who knows.


Lily met me down at breakfast a few minutes later.
"Hey glad to see your up." I said sarcastically.

"Yeh thanks for waking me up. I could have slept for days!" Lily said emphasising the word 'days'.

For breakfast I had toast with strawberry jam and butter. It was so tasty. The food at Hogwarts is really something like 10 times tastier than Applewood food. Im not exaggerating it , I might be underestimating it actually.

At least the food takes my mind off the full moon. Suddenly at post time misty comes with a letter from... Stacey and Jemma!

Dear Megan,

                         We hope your having fun at Hogwarts. We are missing you so much. Sometimes we are like 'hey Megan look at this' and your not there. We hope you've made some new, good friends and are having fun.

Ps: We heard the Hogwarts food was great, is that true?

                      Missing you
                   Stacey & Jemma

I almost cried when I saw that. Lily came over to me and asked who it was from. I said it was from my old friends at Applewood, Stacy and Jemma. She saw that I was pretty much crying and tried to give me a pep talk.

Hey Megan at least you get the nicest food!"
Well that was a failed pep talk.

(Skipping to tonight)--------

Remus POV:

When I'd finally got out of transfiguration which was my last lesson I raced up to the dorms to get Padfoot and Prongs. Wormtail too but he only comes to give us snacks afterwards.

He insists on coming even if he doesn't really do anything. Once they were all ready we ran as fast as our teenage legs could cope with to get to the shrieking shack. I guess wormtail was useful he got to the button on the trunk of the tree to make the branches stop trying to kill use. We rushed inside taking refuge for the long upcoming night.

Megan POV:
Once I'd got out of history of magic. It was only for an hour but it felt like a lifetime listening to Binns ' voice drown out everything and make your ears wilt .
But some lifetime later, when I was out, I told Lily I was going to bed and not to disturb me for the rest of the night, claiming I was still ill.

I ran through the castle up to the dorm to prepare a few last minute supplies and then dashed down to the grounds.
I was thinking of hiding in the lake and using a bubblehead charm that remus taught me ,but I then  I realised that when I transform it would wear off.
Then I saw that tree, the whomping willow, and saw a hole at the bottom big enough to climb through. Yes this was the spot.

I bet that other student with the friends that are animagi are in the forest.

I dodge the branches coming at me and slide through the hole with a thump. Strange.

All I saw was a tunnel leading through the ground to a shack type of thing.

I went through the tunnel watching closely to see if there were any windows for me to see the moon,There was only one small window . Oh well, its better than nothing.

(Just before the moon rises)-----------

Megans POV:

I was getting used to the smell of old corpses by now.
But I could feel my blood boiling, that can only mean one thing. I was about to transform.
I was filled with adrenaline and I could feel myself staring at the moon. My hands turning into claws and the feeling of wanting to rip everybody's throats out.
.My mouth and nose growing outwards and hair forming everywhere. My clothes ripping off me as I grow bigger and larger. My werewolf mind was taking over my proper one. I had metamorphosed into the werewolf I hated.

I instantly smelt fresh meat and blood and decided  to go hunt for it. I had skipped tea anyway.

Without warning, another werewolf came darting at me. If you have good werewolf instincts then you should not pick a fight with another werewolf.
But as you can't control your mind, you can't control your actions and thoughts. So your werewolf instinct is to pick a fight.

I claw at its chest but it scars my throat. I fall on the floor  and it attacks  again, I lung at the opponent and scrap its legs and It falls down I am about to leave when the werewolf knocks me down the flight of stairs leaving me stunned at my legs and stomach. I hear an audible crack in my leg and arm,
All I can feel is pain. And suddenly I can't feel anything, or see anything.and I let darkness take over me.

{Re-Written 17th Feb 2021}

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