Can i say something even crazier! Yes!

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Megan's POV

I was woken up by Lily doing something on well Something. I don't know what it was but she was pointing this shiny, kinda transparent thing to me and Remus. Im not a heavy sleeper like most werewolves.

The weird machine thingy was making a clicks noise it confused me and Emma was there too, Lily probably let her in.

"Hey Lils whats that?" I ask sleepily.

"Its a camera Megan. It's what muggles use to take pictures and videos on, except the pictures don't move." Lily explains.

" Why are you pointing it at me and Remus?"

"To take pictures if you because you look so cute together!" Emma says.

"Thanks?"I said confused slightly blushing.

I slowly got up and I quietly tip-toed up to my room to get dressed so I didn't wake Remus.

Today we were going to Hogsmeade. I could get the next ' Clarys adventures ' book There were 7 books and I was going to buy the rest of them.
I'd finished book three last night when Remus had finally told James and Sirius to shut it. Honestly, how can 2 people make as much noise as a stampede of elephants?!

I was wearing my most comfortable but not too shabby clothes today.  My coral jumper and sky blue jeans and boots.
It was quite cold outside because it was nearing Halloween!

I grab by bag and Empty its contents in my bed and filled  the now empty bag with my purse full of money. A bag for my books and the Other little objects that no one cares about.

I let my hair stay down after brushing it and I put on a beanie to match my outfit.

I rushed downstairs only to bumped into Remus.

My heart was pounded as images of last night flashed Through my mind. I kissed Remus.

"Hey Megan..umm do you want to go to hogsmead with me because James and Sirius and Peter just ditched me"Remus said shaking his head is disbelief.

"Sure! Actually I need to go to the bookshop again"I stated.

"Ah cool actually my order of books should be in so that works perfectly"Remus said smiling.
His smile is so freaking cute I love it.

We went to the book shop first. While Remus went to collect his order I went to find the rest of clarys adventures. Once I'd finally found them Remus, being the gentleman he is, pays for them all. With his it comes to £45.55(I can't work galleons,sickles and knuts, so just go with it) , and he wouldn't let me pay him back so when we get back to school I'll sneak the money into his backpack.

Remus POV

"You shouldn't have brought them"Megan said.

"Why not?"I asked as we walked down to the three broomsticks with my arm over her shoulder to keep her warm because it is very cold.

"because well I can pay stuff for myself" Megan stated

"What can I not treat you to stuff!"I asked

"No I mean..ugh never mind let's just get a nice warm butterbeer!" she grumbled as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the three broomsticks.

I once again felt the tug go through my hand.

She managed to pull me to a table in the very corner. Away from people but we could still hear the lit chatter of conversations.

Beastly love(Remus lupin) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now