Revenge and dates

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Remus POV:

He LIKES Amy. Who LIKES Amy. How is that even possible. Oh well at least he is willing to do the polyjuice potion. The date is set for tonight all I have to do is ask Amy out.

"Hey Amy." I say nervously,why am I nervous..I won't even be going on the date.

"Yeh Remy." She Replies

"Will you go out with me tonight to the three broom sticks?" I ask/mumble

"Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 1000 times yes. I see you finally came to your senses and dumped that shadows girl in." She replied.

I reeled my anger in and kept my cool.

"Great see you tonight." I end the conversation as quickly as I started it.

I turned and started to walk away but someone tapped on my shoulder.I turned to see Amy.

"Yes?"I asked her.

"Don't I get a kiss?"she said pouted.

"Maybe later on"I said gritting my teeth.

"Okay" she said winking and swivelling around and walked away.

Megan's POV

I'm worried the plan is going to fail..I mean what if Peter screws up I mean he isn't the most trustworthy person. Besides he says he liked Amy what happens if he takes it too far.

Ugh...I should just relax and forget about it and concentrate on my homework..

———2 hours laters———

I've finally finished my homework, it took forever but still. I just can't keep my mind off Peter screwing up. I mean I know him so I should trust him. I finished reading the rest of 'clary's adventures' and started reading The Hunger Games (suddenly THG is an old book) its about 24 kids being forced into an arena to fight to the death. I'm almost finished but its not as weird as it sounds.

Remus POV

I was walking around the castle trying  to find James and Sirius because they had just finished Quidditch.

I turned around the corner and found Sirius peeking round a corner.

"Sirius!"I shouted

He turned and put his finger to his lip and gestured to me to walk over to him. I did as I was instructed.

"What?"I whispered.

Sirius just smirked and pointed round the corner. There it was a scene I had been waiting for but also scared for.

James potter was snogging Lily Evans.


Well is all I can say right now. And think. And see. I have to video this!
"Accio video-maker" I whisper. Its payback time! (For kissing each other when they looked like us) I suppose we did it first but still.
I point the video-maker to them with my wand and put James' invisibility cloak over it and me. They snog for like a whole 5 minutes! So I got a whole 5 minute video to put up in the Gryffindor common room also we'll give the Ravenclaws a treat too.

We where walking back to the common room and we saw Charlotte potter James' younger sister.

"Hey Charlie!"I said as she caught up with us.

"Hey guys!"she said.

"You'll never guess what we saw!"Sirius said laughing.

"What?"Charlie said smiling.

Beastly love(Remus lupin) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now