Full moon...again!

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Megan's POV

It was the evening of a full moon day. To say I was full of energy was an understatement. The whole day I forced myself to lessons despite wanting to just sleep.

"Leave me alone Megan.."Freya said throwing a pillow at me, we were currently laying on our beds wasting time.

"Wow okay..."I said chucking the pillow back at her head.

I skipped down the stairs and went straight to the great hall for dinner.

Unfortunately I had a run in with Snape,Bellatrix,lucius and all the other slytherins.

"Hey Shadows." Malfoy sneered.

" Malfoy." I said glaring back

"What's wrong Shadows, we in your way?." Bellatrix said coldly.

"Not on my watch."

I turned around and saw Freya, Lily, James, Sirius, Peter and Remus all pointing their wands at the Slytherins.

"I can't believe you Sev." Lily shouted which made me jump because I've never heard her shout before. Several others jumped too.

"Lily I can explain..." He started.

"There's nothing to explain Sev, you joined the rest of the Slytherins, I get it." Lily cut in.

"Now let us pass or you'll be getting one one of my stinging jinx's to the face, and trust me, I may be a Gryffindor but I can get mischievous and mean if something gets in the way of me or my friends!" Freya threatens.

"I don't believe you." Malfoy challenged.
"Oh really, turnipmanti!" (we'll just pretend thats the incantation)

Malfoy gets thrown back by the spell and his face goes all blobby and disgusting. He stands up.

"Well Eaton, I'll get you back." Malfoy says.

"Not with that face. Look even your 'friends' are running away from you!" Freya says doing air-quotes around friends.

He turned around just to see the end of Snape and Bellatrix's cloaks hurling around the corner. I started to fell a bit ill again after that.

"Hey megs are you okay?"I heard Remus come up next to me.

"Yeah just feeling a bit ill cause of tonight.."I said quietly.

"Come on let's get you some food" Remus said wrapping his arm round my shoulder and we started walking into the great hall.

Freya's POV

I stood their watching Remus and Megan...

"Are they back together?"I asked Sirius.

"I'm really not sure"Sirius said putting his arm on my shoulder which made me blush slightly...

"Come on let's follow them, they'll wonder where we've gone otherwise" Lily said.

"Psh sure they will"I heard James say sarcastically as we walked in behind Lily.

When we got in I saw Charlie sitting a few seats down next to Alex Lannings and Caroline Kelley. Who where in the year below us.

I noticed Megan and the marauders and Lily already in a conversation so I decided to go and sit with Charlie.

"Hey guys!"I said sitting next to Charlie with Caroline and Alex opposite me.

Beastly love(Remus lupin) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now