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Megan's POV

I was having the best sleep ever until someone decided to wake me up. They started to nudge my shoulder.

"Leave me alone Stacey I'm sleeping"I moaned

"Stacey? Who's Stacey"I heard a girls voice.

I bolted up giving myself a headache.
The girl who had questioned me had long wavy red hair and brilliant green eyes.

"Sorry I forgot that I'm not at applewood again. Stacey was one of my friends there"I said as I rubbed my eyes and stretching.

"I'm lily, we better get ready and get to breakfast so we can get our timetables"she said as she walked back over to her bed and pulled out her robes.

"Okay I'm going to take a shower "I said as I went into the bathroom


I had washed my hair and body and got dressed and was now ready for my first day as a Hogwarts student.

Lily and I headed down to the great hall to get breakfast, when we got their we noticed the 4 boys sitting eating.

"Hey Remus"I said as I sat next to him.

"Oh hey Megan I didn't see you come in"he said as he turned the page of the book that he had propped up by a cup.

"Oi Evans!"James said as lily sat next to me.

"What potter.."Lily said as she rolled her eyes.

"Well I was wondering will you go.."James starting saying.

"No potter I will not go out with you!"she said angrily.

Remus obviously noticed my confused face.

"James has been trying to get lily to go out with him since first year" Remus explained

"Oh ok that makes sense"I said.

"Mr lupin and Miss shadow here are your timetables"Professor Mcgongall said as she passed out our timetables.

Me and Remus had the same classes same with lily l. Lily was very annoyed that she had all the same classes with James. The boy however was grinning from ear to ear.
I checked over to see what lessons I had
1-Defence against dark arts
6-history of Magic.

"We better head to DADA"Lily said as I was checking my lessons.

"Sure.."I said as we all stood up and headed out.

Most lessons where okay and I was settling in happily.

It was now a week since I joined and me and Lily have become best friends and Remus and I are also very close.

I get along fine with Sirius and James because of their pranks but that's about it.Peter I don't talk to that much.

"Right class I am going to assign you partners and you will be asked to make a potion,this will continue until Halloween!"Professor slughorn said.

I like potions I'm okay at it but I wish I was better.

"I hope we're together"Lily whispered in my ear.

Beastly love(Remus lupin) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now