The Transfer to hogwarts

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((The Megan stallion jokes are very old so please stop commenting them, I also wrote this before Ilvermorny was an official school, hence why I made up a few names :))  ))

Megan's POV

As I wake up I recall what happened last night.

"Megan we've got to get you away, you need to hide in the forest, it's a full moon tonight." Stacey said as she rushed me outside.

While we were sprinting across the grounds I caught a glimpse of the moon, we were too late. The last thing I remember is the feeling of my body changing and the screams that echoed across the walls of the hallways.

"Megan...Megan!" I was pulled out of my thoughts by one of my roommates, Jemma.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Misty, your owl, brought you a letter from England." Jemma nervously said as she passed me the letter.

As I took the letter in my hands I noticed it was sealed with the Hogwarts Crest.

"Why am I getting a letter from Hogwarts?" I asked Jemma. She didn't reply as I noticed her leaving the room.

'Let's see what Hogwarts wants.' I thought to myself as I unfolded the letter and began to read it.

Dear Ms Megan Shadow,

We have received a message from Applewood school of witchcraft and wizardry that you have attacked several students last night during the full moon.

Your mother has agreed that it is not wise for you to stay there any longer and you will be transferring to Hogwarts school immediately.

Please have your belongs packed and be waiting in Professor Klips office.

Yours sincerely,

Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.

"What!" I gasped.

"What's wrong Megan?" Stacey asked yawning and stretching her arms.

", I just had a bad dream." I lied quickly.

"Okay, you'd tell me if something's wrong...right?"she asked.

"Yeah, 'course I would. I'm going to freshen up." I said as I placed the letter under my bedsheets and headed towards the shower. Luckily it was free.

Stacey's POV

I knew Megan, and she seemed a bit off, something was up. I raced over to her bed and checked under her pillow and bedsheets searching for the letter. After finding it, I read it hoping to find what was wrong.

I stood next to her bed grasping the letter tightly in shock. 'Was she not going to tell me? Was she going to just up and leave without a word?' I thought to myself.

"Hey Stacey where did- Why are you holding my letter! You read it didn't you?" Megan asked shocked as she walked back into the room.

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