I'm sorry: Sanemi x Dead Reader

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Genre: Angst with a little bit of fluff sprinkled in

Pairing: Sanemi x Dead Reader

Song: Can we kiss forever- Kina

Requested: No


This wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to protect you. He was supposed to stop the demons from hurting you. You trusted him. You gave him your everything and yet, he still wasn't able to protect you. Sanemi felt sick to his stomach when he entered the home. Everything was torn apart or broken. He walked through the trashed house and called your name out carefully. He checked every room and under every bed there was. He could feel his heart breaking when no one seemed to answer his calls. He became frantic as he searched. "Please. Please be alive somewhere." He whispered.

He swept through the house hoping and praying that you were in the house or ran to a house next door. However, when he knocked on the next door neighbor's house, they told him that she had been thrown from the house by the demon that had invaded. They told him that they even caught a glimpse of the demon feasting on the dead female's body after it threw her out of the house. Sanemi felt the weight of his thoughts smash into him like a ton of bricks. He thanked the neighbors and left the house. He returned to the demon slayer HQ and refused to talk to anyone. They immediately knew what happened.

Sanemi sat outside his room and watched the moon. His eyes shining with tears that he refused to shed. He felt his mind grow blank as the words the neighbors had told him spun through his mind. That was when his tears finally fell. He brought his knees to his chest and buried his face in his arms. His sobs could be heard all around the compound making the other slayers and hashira's feel sad. Genya, not wanting to see his brother sad anymore, consulted with Tanjiro on what he could do to help his brother. "Tanjiro, you're good with helping people, what do I do?" He asked.

Tanjiro thought for a moment. "You can make a make-shift grave here in the compound. You make it so you and Sanemi are the only two that know where it is. Make it a safe place for him though." Tanjiro said before continuing with his answer. Genya nodded his head at everything that he was saying. Grinning, he thanked the red haired boy and walked back to his room. He knew what he was going to do now and had to start planning it out. He was going to help his brother through this. I mean, Y/n was his nii-san's girlfriend after all.

{The next Day}

Sanemi layed on the tatami mat with red, swollen eyes. His throat was dry and sore from how long he had cried. He turned to his side and was met by his brother standing at the door. "Nii-san, I have a surprise for you." He whispered. Sanemi had rarely seen his brother give him something and decided to go and see what it was. He stood from his bed and followed his taller brother towards a secluded area of HQ. He turned and motioned for Sanemi to go on a bit further. Sanemi was confused before he continued walking.

He stopped short when he saw a gravestone with your name written on it. He ran over to the stone and dropped to his knees. His hands reached out and pressed against the stone to make sure that it was real and not his imagination. His heart wanted to jump from his chest as his tears streamed down his face. His sobs rang out from where he was kneeling and his brother couldn't help the tears that started to fill his eyes. When his brother and Y/n started dating, he couldn't stop smiling. His brother was so happy and it made him happy to see his brother smiling. He shook his head and walked away wanting to give his brother some peace and quiet. Sanemi found himself laying in front of the stone and covering his face with his hands as he cried.

"Why. Why couldn't I have gotten there sooner?" He whispered to himself. That night had haunted his mind day in and day out. He couldn't get the image out of his head of the demon throwing you out of the window like a ragdoll before eating you. He shook his head and closed his eyes. "I hope that it's peaceful up there." He whispered. As he lay there with his eyes closed, memories of his life with you popped into his head. Every date that the two of you had been on. The sights that you both say. The sounds, the smells. Everything he had done with you surfaced in mind.

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