I pick my poison and it's you- Yoriichi x Demon Reader

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Title: I pick my poison and it's you

Pairing: Yoriichi x Demon Reader

Song: Poison- Rita Ora

Rating: PG

Genre: Fluff

Requested: Nuna_Night

We have all heard the stories of the many legendary demons that roamed the land. They had not one single malicious thought towards humans. They were almost like guardians to the humans. There were strong, beautiful demons that could be seen everyday. From demons that resemble humans, to those who helped in workshops. To the demons with glossy black wings that flew in the sky. The playful demons that made the towns children squeal with laughter as they played games.

When Muzan appeared, the many demons that occupied the towns vanished without a trace. People have looked for them in hopes that they would help fight this demon but when it was fruitless, they gave up. Humans were slaughtered left and right. Some were turned to demons, and left to devour their own friends and family. Thus, the demon slayers had been created. To combat these human devouring demons. Let's look into the future of what is to come.

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25 year old Yoriichi froze in his footsteps. In front of him, lay a demon that had once lived in the very city he was born in. He quickly placed what he was carrying down and with cautious moves, he managed to get the female on his back. He grabbed his things and raced back to his home. A few days have passed since she woke, and she grew accustomed to living with Yoriichi. She broke the stoic attitude that he always had and found it rather nice when he smiled at her. As they were eating lunch, Yoriichi made the decision to ask her why all the demons had left. "Y/n, since you are a tengu, why did you all leave 20 years ago?" He asked. Y/n dropped her chopsticks in shock. She finished chewing the meat in her mouth before nervously swallowing.

She took a deep breath before turning her gaze to the man in front of her. "Well, we left because we noticed that the humans would slam their windows shut when we appeared in town. We thought that we did something and we didn't want to break the relationship that we had with the humans at that point, so we left to give you all some space." She replied before looking up at Yoriichi. She noticed so many emotions swimming through his eyes. It wasn't in Yoriichi's nature to reach out and comfort someone but he reached out and pressed his hands against her face. Her eyes widened in shock before her hands reached up and pressed over his. Tears slipped down her face as she pressed her face into his hands.

It had been years since she felt this kind of comfort from a human. Yoriichi panicked thinking that he was the reason she was crying but stopped when he felt her nuzzling closer to his hand. She pulled back, wiping the last of her tears. "Sorry. That was probably very unsightly." She said sniffling. Yoriichi shook his head. "No, you and the humans have been friends for so long that when we suddenly shut you out like that it must have hurt you and the others." Yoriichi mumbled. She looked up at him and smiled softly. He was such a kind human.

1 year time skip

Y/n sat on the rock watching the hashira training. Y/n was fascinated by the two brothers as they practiced with each other. She watched as they continuously swung their swords around as they danced across the ground. She was getting ready to stand up and walk over to them to help them a bit when she was shoved from the rock. She landed on the smaller rocks and winched when one dug just right into her rib cage. The hashira stopped what they were doing and turned to see the younger demon slayers making fun of her and laughing.

"Did you see that?! She went flying!"

"Some demon she is! She is so weak! Couldn't even see I was coming up to push her."

"Geez, I can't believe the hashira are even letting this demon on the compound."

The thunder hashira was getting pissed. He dropped his sword to the ground and walked towards the group. "For you information, she is not a demon that was created by Muzan. Haven't you heard? She is the favorite of the Sun and Moon hashira. Mind you damn manners you brats." He snapped helping the female up. She gripped his arm tightly when a surge of pain went through her back. "D-Did you guys touch the base of my wings?" She tried to get out nicely.

The younger demon slayers scoffed before laughing. "That's where we pushed you down." He answered. Y/n's eyes widened in fear and the Thunder Hashira saw it. "Someone go get the twins... NOW!" He yelled. He helped Y/n over to the overhand on the demon slayer HQ and sat her down. He grabbed water for her and watched as she gulped it down. He then laid her on her stomach and opened the shirt they had specially made for her to take a look at the base of her wings. He cringed when he saw the angry red sitting around where her wings connected to her back.

He turned and glared at the young demon slayers making them shiver and look around sheepishly. Yoriichi was next to her in a second and had his hand on her head, rubbing her hair in a gentle manner. "Are you alright?" He asked as Michikatsu jogged up next to his younger brother. Worry splashed across his normally stoic face. "Who did this?" Michikatsu asked. The thunder hashira pointed to the now cowering demon slayer youngsters. "They did it. They pushed her off the rock she was sitting on." He said. Michikatsu placed a hand on Y/n's head and gave her a reassuring smile before walking over to the demon slayers that were shaking harder than a leaf in the wind.

Yoriichi, having experienced this before by accident, reached into his sleeve and pulled out a salve. "What's that?" The water hashira asked, raising his eyebrow. "I accidently did the same thing to her a year ago and I found this in the house and used it. Worked wonders. I felt so bad after I hurt her though. I didn't realize how sensitive the tengu's wings are." Yoriichi said as he began to apply the salve to the base of her wings. They heard her audibly sigh in bliss when it started working. Yoriichi placed the salve back into his sleeve and waited for it to completely soak into the skin before he closed the shirt up and let Y/n use his lap for a head rest.

Michikatsu came back with younger demon slayers with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. "Apologize now." He snapped. They quickly said sorry before racing off. Y/n smiled at the demon slayers that ran off before curling up against Yoriichi's stomach and closing her eyes. Yoriichi smiled softly and began petting her hair as she laid there. "Yoriichi, do you have a crush on her?" Michikatsu asked, raising an eyebrow and a smile appeared on his face. Yoriichi blushed and turned away from them.

They started laughing when Yoriichi turned away from them. He covered his face in an attempt to hide the blush even though everyone else had seen the blush. He ran his fingers over the black feathers on her back and smiled when the wings opened wide to accept the petting. "To be honest, I fell in love with her when I first met her. I took her into my home because I saw her laying on the ground wounded. She was so skinny too. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a while and I wanted to give her a place to stay for a bit." He said looking down at the female laying on his lap.

Michikatsu watched his younger brother smile fondly at the demon laying in his lap. 'Glad you found someone, little brother.' He thought. After a while of everyone just sitting there and chatting, she finally woke up. Yoriichi gave her a soft smile. "How do you feel?" He asked. She smiled and flapped her wings a bit to test it out. When no pain was felt she stood up and grinned. "I feel so much better now!" She said. Everyone took a deep sigh in relief when she said that. They were afraid that they would have to discipline the younger demon slayers. Yoriichi stood up and went to offer her something to eat, however, she turned right as he was lifting his head and their noses pressed gently against each other. They blinked at each other before the blush settled over their faces.

Before Yoriichi could even pull away, Y/n leaned forward and pressed her lips against his. Yoriichi's eyes grew to the size of saucers before he closed his eyes and returned the kiss. His arms wrapped around her waist. His brother cheered on the inside and just smiled happily on the outside. Y/n's wings wrapped around her and Yoriichi in a protective manner making him shiver slightly when the wings hit his face. Pulling away, Y/n blushed a dark read before mumbling a sorry. She turned to leave but Yoriichi's hand grabbed her hand. "I picked my poison and it's you." He whispered so only she could hear him. Her eyes widened and she ran into his chest. "I love you." They both said at the same time. Everyone there started laughing but congratulated them on becoming a demon/demon slayer couple. She leaned her head on his shoulder and smiled softly. "Best day ever." They mumbled together.

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