Are you falling in love?: Akaza x Fem Reader

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Song: Moment- Lildeath


Y/n is the adopted daughter of the Rengoku family, and the demons, thinking that they could get the upper hand, kidnapped her from her home. Well, Douma did the kidnapping and then pawned her off to Akaza. Akaza will get annoyed and while he can't hurt the human, he tends to get Daki involved to watch the female while he takes his ranting out on Douma. As days go by, Akaza gradually gets comfortable around the human female and even develops a crush on her as he watches her talk and laugh with Daki and her brother. Daki is always talking with Y/n and tugging on her arm like a child, gently of course Y/n is still human after all.

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Akaza watched as Daki kneeled in front of Y/n. Her eyes sparkling and a big smile on her face. "Oneechan!! I want you to braid my hair the same as yours!" Daki squealed with a smile on her face. Gyutaro rolled his eyes but sat with his back pressed against Y/n's. He smiled when he heard his little sister acting the same way she did before they became demons. Y/n smiled happily and asked her to turn around. Daki did and grew excited as she felt the human female start brushing her hair out. Akaza placed his head on his fist as he watched her. He knew that he was supposed to watch the human but he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.

Daki smiled and talked to her about everything. She never mentioned the hashira or her brother because Daki didn't want Y/n to leave. Not when she finally had someone other than her brother that cared about her. Y/n carefully braided the demon's hair and smiled at her finished work. Y/n was getting ready to stand up but felt a hand on her shoulder and instantly froze. "You really think you can just make the demons here like you?" It was Douma's icy voice. Y/n started shaking in fear. "Douma, let her go right now." Gyutaro's voice hissed out, grabbing his arm and nearly ripping in from his body.

Akaza had left to just run and grab something for all of them to eat only for Daki to race around the corner and grab his arm. "Douma is trying to hurt Y/n!" She cried. Akaza dropped the plate that he had and raced back to the room. He skidded into the room, seeing Gyutaro doing his best to hold Upper Moon 2 back. Akaza shot forward and slammed his foot into Douma's stomach, sending him flying. "Don't touch my human!" He roared out. He dropped to his knees and pulled Y/n into his chest and did his best to comfort the scared human. "Oh come on Akaza! I was just playing around!" Douma said, popping his head into the room again with his signature smile. Akaza turned and glared at him. "She isn't a doll you asshole!" he snapped.

Douma glared at him before looking Y/n in the eyes. "I'm not scary, right?" He asked. Y/n buried her face in Akaza's chest and didn't move. Akaza turned and glared at the demon. "You are scaring her. Get out!" Akaza hissed loudly. Douma rolled his eyes before leaving the room. Y/n pulled away to peak around Akaza to see if Douma had left. When she didn't see him, she pulled away from Akaza and bowed. "I'm sorry. That must have made you really uncomfortable." She said, looking everywhere but at Akaza. He shook his head before taking a step back. "It's alright. Let me go get your food and we can eat." He said.

He walked out of the room before running down the hallway with a blush covering his face. Daki and Gyutaro immediately started checking over Y/n the minute the 3rd Upper moon was gone. "Are you ok oneesan?" Gyutaro asked as he held Y/n's face in his hands. Akaza returned and handed over the food he had made for Y/n, they knew she didn't eat humans because she was still human, so Akaza had to run around outside the day before trying to find food that she would like. She smiled up at him before she started to eat the food. A smile graced her lips and her eyes lit up at the taste of the food. "This is really good Akaza! Did you make this?" She asked. Akaza felt his face heat up at her compliment. "Yeah. I did. All though it was just something simple." He mumbled the last part.

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