I will protect you: Uzui x Fem Reader

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Summary: Uzui hasn't seen his fourth wife, Y/n in the past 4 weeks. He is nervous and doesn't know where she has gone. When she returns home, covered in bruises and scratches, Uzui KNOWS he has to deal with someone that hurt his wife. Turns out, the person that hurt his wife, were a few men from the Red Light District.

Warning: Uzui kicks some ass for someone hurting his wife. The other three wives are mentioned but do not show up in this one shot. Reader has bruises and wounds that are bleeding, swearing, cursing. Pissed off Uzui.

Uzui paced around his home. His hands behind his back. His mind ran a mile a second as he thought of the worst that could have happened to his wife. Y/n had returned home when he had said that she should and he was growing worried. He felt his heart racing miles as he waited. He told her that he wanted to see her 4 WEEKS ago. She hadn't been seen for 4 weeks and Uzui was paranoid that something happened to her. He tried not to think that she had been caught and was killed. He knew that Y/n was stronger than that. He knew that she could hold a fight if she needed to.

Sitting down, he decided that he would meditate for a little bit. Hopefully that would help calm his mind and heart down til he could think of a way to go and find Y/n. It wasn't very long when he heard footsteps dragging towards the door. He stood quickly and carefully walked to the door before throwing it open. His eyes widened in fear when he saw how beat up and bloody she looked. The Oiran kimono was torn and parts were missing from over her chest making a vein pop on Uzui's head. He ran out and wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to his chest.

"I'm so happy to see you Y/n. Where have you been?" He asked. Y/n opened her mouth to tell him when a loud yell was heard. Y/n started panicking and clung to Uzui like her life depended on it. Uzui noticed her change in attitude and watched as a group of men appeared in his line of sight. "There she is!" One of the men yelled. She released her hold on Uzui and moved to hid behind him as tears fell down her face. Uzui felt his lips pull back in a snarl. "What the hell are you doing, and why are you yelling at my wife?" He hissed out.

"This bitch tried to one up us and tried running when he was trying to buy-" Uzui didn't let the man finish as his fist connected with the man's jaw. His muscles pulsing with rage as he started them down. "DON'T TOUCH MY WIFE WITH YOUR FILTHY HANDS!" He yelled. Y/n gripped the kimono in her hands as she covered her chest and watched her husband fight. She didn't notice the other male sneaking up behind before it was too late. He grabbed her hard and forced her to the ground. She cried out when he gripped the kimono that was at least giving her a little coverage of her chest. Tears filled her eyes as she struggled to keep the man from exposing her to the world. "UZUI!" She cried out. Uzui turned and his eyes saw red. He moved faster than they could see and they watched as the man was ripping from where he had been and threw him back towards the men that came there. She lay there sobbing before Uzui picked her up and pressed her shaking body to his chest. "If I ever see you here again, I will kill you." He snarled, his aura shaking the men up and making them run from the area.

"Hey, honey, it's ok. They are gone. Shhhh." He ran his fingers through her hair as he carried her back into the house. He needed Suma there. She was the only one that could actually sooth Y/n when she was like this. However, he knew he needed to comfort her after what just happened. Maiko and Hinatsuru would also be very calming for Y/n but Uzui had sent them somewhere else for a while and it was just him and Y/n for now. He carried her to the bedroom and laid on the bed. His arms never left Y/n's waist as he held her closer to him. Her hands pressed against his chest and her face was buried in his chest as she cried.

He ran his fingers through her hair and tried his best to calm his wife down. She finally felt her tears slowly stopping and the sound of her breath filled the room. Uzui looked down at her and found her sleeping against his chest. He had told her to change into something less revealing. He smiled softly as he watched her sleep soundly in his arms. His shirt was still big on her but it covered her and that was all Uzui needed. He pressed his lips against her forehead and closed his eyes.

Now, Tengen doesn't cry around anyone. However, just remembering what happened not too long ago, he felt tears fill his eyes as he closed them and curled his body protectively around Y/n. He would make sure that he wouldn't leave her or his other wives to that kind of treatment again. He knows that when he sends them on missions, he has to trust them, and he does. He wouldn't trust anyone else with the tasks that he gives his wives. Now, the only part was to keep himself busy so he didn't have to think about all the things that could go wrong.

He slowed his breathing down and sighed when her warmth and the warmth of the bed surrounded him. He felt a smile drift across his face as he felt her curl in closer to him. "I will always protect you." Uzui whispered into her hair. He watched as a smile appeared on her lips. As they lay there sleeping, Uzui felt her shift every now and then. He opened his eyes and saw her laying haphazardly in the bed. He smiled softly and let a chuckle escape from his lips. "Damn, I love you so much." He whispered before pulling her up into a nicer position so she wouldn't wake up with a hurt back.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down. She opened her eyes a bit before pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. "I love you too." She whispered before cuddling up to her husband again. Uzui laughed softly before wrapping his arms around her and laying back down. He was whipped for his wives and this just proved it. He closed his eyes once again and fell back asleep. He was happy that she was in his arms. He loved her and the other three wives so much. He would die just to make sure they were ok and alive. "Thank you for being mine." He mumbled. 

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