Bonus Chapter

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First of all:


War and Peace

The morning sun yet to rise left the sky in a pale blue haze

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The morning sun yet to rise left the sky in a pale blue haze. Dewdrops falling fresh onto the moist grounds of the fogged marshlands. Animals hid from sight at the sound of hooves against the mud as a group of soldiers escorting a man dress in fine garb to the sight of the meeting place. The man was meeting advisors of a nearby kingdom from his own. His smug face soured at the emptiness, they were late.

"My Lord" A knight spoke, "What shall we do if they do not show?"

Lord King Eldred of North Umbria spun to the knight and slapped him "They will show, They can't afford to say no to me"

"My Lord!" a different knight shouted as he pointed off into the marshlands.

"Finally" Lord Eldred smirked at the sight

The group consisted of two men and a woman, the first man had dark black wavy hair that stopped at his shoulders, his black eyes spooked even the fearless. The other man hid his hair with a dark grey hood but the markings on his face showed him to be of the druid folk. Lastly, the woman, her raven hair flowed behind her as her gently but stern face made her hard to lie to as her armor gleamed in contrast to her surroundings.

"My friends!" Lord King Eldred exclaimed with arms open wide in welcome. "Thank you for coming!"

Eldred gestured to the tent that held a large table and chairs, but what annoyed the three was the one large wooden chair in the center that looked like it was a throne. The man was mocking them.

The dark-haired man, Amos was already getting pissed from just the sight of the pompous jackass of a King. The woman, Eva sighed to herself, this was going to end badly she could just feel it. While the hooded man, Aelyrion just glanced around at his surroundings to make sure this wasn't a trap.

"Please sit" Eldred looked at them then to the chairs

"We're good," Amos said raising a brow "What is it that you wanted so badly that we had to meet?"

"Arrogance!" A Knight shouted "You're speaking to a king! Show respect!"

"Right..." Amos whispered "and who is he at home? What do your misses call you?" he smirked "We are only here because this guy" Amos pointed to King Eldred "wanted us to meet, now we have" He glanced to his companions "We're leaving now" They turned to go.

"Wait!" Eldred shouted, The three stopped and glanced back to the sour man

"Yes?" Eva asked, her voice as sharp as her sword

"A trade! Y-yes, trade between our kingdoms!" Eldred said with a greedy look in his eyes

"And what would North Umbria trade with us that we don't already have?" Eva asked placing a hand on her hip "please don't waste our time"

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