Bring Out Your Dead

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of two great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young Queen

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of two great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young Queen. Her name: Merlyn.

In a cave in the middle of nowhere, a woman clad in red stood above a well of water with an egg in her hands.

"Berbay odothay arisan yeldo"

She placed a magic egg into the water. It travels through underground waterways to a manmade cavern. The woman then began to watch Camelot from her water basin

"Diegol cnytte, gewitte me yst, aliese hine, to Camelot he cymþ"


Merlyn looked down at the poor dead man who seemed to be a bit blue in the face while Gaius examined him

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Merlyn looked down at the poor dead man who seemed to be a bit blue in the face while Gaius examined him. "I will find a cart for us," Merlyn said "The people must not see this"

Merlyn found a cart and paid the owner for it. She was lucky he didn't ask where the money came from... She wouldn't tell.

Gaius and Merlyn carted the body back into the castle when they were spotted by Gwen who was just arriving for work. "What are you doing?"

"just moving something." Merlyn shrugged folding the tarp over the hand of the dead guy.

"Looks heavy"

"it's nothing really. Erm... did someone got you flowers?" Merlyn sidetracked her for no one would want to know that a friend was carting around a dead body that had died from an unknown illness.

"Oh! No." She giggled at the thought "Would you like one? A purple one. Purple suits you. Not that I'm saying blue doesn't suit you." Gwen gestured down to the blue dress Merlyn was wearing. she seemed to wear a different color blue every day.

"Thank you Gwen" Merlyn took the flower and placed it in her side braid "I must go"

"See you later" 


"I've never seen anything like this before," Gaius said looking at the body with a magnifying glass. Merlyn just stood there looking at the body thinking of all the illnesses she had seen in all of her lives but none looked like this.

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