The Findings of Merlyn Ages 15-18

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A year had passed after Deira had merged and Lady Cybil became part of Merlyn's court, she now had five councilors as she named them to help her govern and protect the people who had taken to living in Elmet. Since the merge of Deira, more people from smaller villages who needed to find a job came to the city and it began to fill.

Merlyn had just left the capital for Gwynedd, they asked her for an alliance or sorts and for the first time in a long time, Merlyn was sad to leave her home. She had just turned fifteen and if any word of a marriage came into the conversation, she was going to leave and never return. Since she was a Queen and not a princess, she had received many proposals of marriage but she tossed all of them out. When she does marry, she will do so for love and not beforehand.

When she reached the city of Gwynedd, Merlyn quickly realized that this was the kingdom of Athena. They had a Tower of Knowledge as they called it, schools and it seemed that everyone was able to be a student. However, no citizen of Gwynedd was allowed to pass the knowledge that they learned to other kingdoms.

Merlyn met with the King; he was actually a woman. The Queen of Gwynedd was a beautiful girl, but she looked like a mouse in a box. Her eyes glanced at the many scholarly men that surrounded her, they looked imposing and like they were studying her for experimentation. Merlyn made a gesture with her fingers that only Rogue could understand, she wanted her to learn the secrets of this kingdom and why they didn't want their knowledge known as well as what was going on with the Queen.

Merlyn spent a week holed up in the castle before she went stir crazy. She went out and saddled a horse for a nice afternoon ride "it wasn't like anything could happen to her in a different kingdom" she thought sarcastically

The ride was nice but the screaming she heard was not, she bolted through the forest until she came upon a small village being attacked by bandits and knights in red cloaks were fighting them off.

Merlyn jumped off the horse and ran into the fight slashing down the bandits. The knights quickly took notice of the strangely dressed women helping them, it was a nice change. Once the fight was over a knight walked up to her.

"Thank you for helping" He was quite handsome, short blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"No problem" Merlyn shrugged

"I'm..." He held out his hand "Art- Leon, Sir Leon"

"Merlyn" she said and clasped arms with "Leon" before looking around at her surroundings "Where are we?" she asked, she might have gotten lost.

"Just west of Everwick, why?"Leon smirked "Are you lost?"

"No!" She scoffed "I just don't know how to get back"

"Well where did you come from?" He laughed

"The Castle of Gwynedd"

Leon's eyes widen "That's pretty far" He turned and pointed her to the forest near the village "Go west through that forest and you will pass the border"

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