Chancing a Chalice

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of two great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young Queen

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of two great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young Queen. Her name: Merlyn.

In a cave deep in the woods, a dark-haired woman clad in red began to chant a spell with a flower petal. After the spell was complete, she dropped the flower petal into the water. She watched Merlyn in the water of her stone basin. She pulled out the petal, now transparent, and put it in a silver goblet with a wicked grin.

"Merlyn" She spat, her plan was put into motion. The red-clad woman snuck into the city of Camelot as a servant of the King's guest, his royal majesty, the King of Mercia. She was smart enough to disguise herself from the eyes of unfriendly onlookers. She would get her revenge on Merlyn for foiling her plans.


Merlyn's day was not going so well, first, she had been told that she must be presentable for a guest that was arriving that day, and then she was told to carry all of the man's things to his room by herself.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" Merlyn grunted as she carried two very heavy bags down the castle corridor.

"You're a servant, Merlyn. It's what you do." Gaius said as she passed her in the hall

"Yeah well, my arms will be afoot longer by the time I get this lot inside." Merlyn looked down at her poor arms, they were already sore from just two trips and she still had three more to go.

"It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds... a harder soul." Merlyn smiled at her uncle

"no way that's a proverb." Merlin said "You made that up"

"No. I didn't." Gaius shook his head

"Yeah ya did" She patted him on his shoulder "Nice try though," she said as she heard a small thump behind them, turning around Merlyn saw a young-looking girl on the ground. Against her better judgment that seemed to scream "danger", she helped the girl up.

"Sorry." the girl apologized

Merlyn just shrugged "It's alright." the girl must still be new at being a servant.

"Excuse me." The girl tried to turn away back down the hall from where she came

"Let me give you a hand with that." Merlyn smiled at her, she was heading that way anyway. She crouched down and helped the girl pick up her things before she noticed that the girl was staring at her with a strange look in her eyes.

"I'm Merlyn." She held out her hand to the girl.

"Cara. You're Arthur's servant. That must be such an honor." The sentence made Merlyn freeze. Cara was new to the castle, being a servant of Mercia of course, and information was not given out like candy to a baby.

"Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running," Merlyn said while not truly answering her question.

"Thank you, Merlyn," Cara said

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