A True Knight

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of two great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young Queen

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In a land of myth and a time of magic, the destiny of two great kingdoms rests on the shoulders of a young Queen. Her name: Merlyn.

It was a good day for Merlyn, the sun was shining, the air was cool and a week had passed since Elmet had officially taken over the land of North Umbria

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It was a good day for Merlyn, the sun was shining, the air was cool and a week had passed since Elmet had officially taken over the land of North Umbria. Now though, she was put in a position to find a Warden Lord to govern the land. At that moment, Rouge had taken up the mantle but she needed to be close to the Queen when we weren't fighting for the Kingdom. Every day new knights were coming in and they needed to learn first before the Knights test.

Merlyn sighed at the thought of the annual test. It was a way to tell who, out of the trainees would become knighted and which would not. The test differed to each candidate, for most, it was just facing their worst fears and for others, it was a test of loyalty. She didn't want to think about it, so instead, she offered to help her Uncle with gathering herbs and mushrooms from the forest. 

A few hours later, Merlyn was in the process of picking up mushrooms that held healing properties. She had found some Chaga mushrooms on some birch trees and was putting them in her never-ending bag. 

Merlyn turned when she heard screeching from somewhere behind her. Not too far from her, was a Gryphon that looked angry, Merlyn slowly backed away in hope of it not seeing her but, of course, her luck sucks.

The Gryphon charged at her, Merlyn turned and ran but she tripped over a stupid tree log. She looked up at the creature before closing her eyes and feeling out for its magic. Hugh had taught her a few tricks to calm any magical creature, but she could only feel its rage.

"Hey!" A man shouted as he ran up to the Gryphon and swung his sword. The creature swiped at the sword breaking it in two. The man looked at the sword then to Merlyn, dropping the sword he shouted "Run! Run!" The man grabbed Merlyn and they ran and hide behind a large fallen tree. Merlyn looked to her savior who was holding his wounded side in pain.

"You saved my life." She said and gave a small smile "I'm Merlyn." She held out her hand.

"Lancelot," He told her shaking her hand before he passed out from his wound. Merlyn let out a low but distinct whistle into the woods and after a few minutes, she could see a pure white horse trotting up to her.

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