The Life of Merlyn Age:0-7

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It had been a year since the ending of the "Great Purge" and many were thankful

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It had been a year since the ending of the "Great Purge" and many were thankful. Those who had not lost anyone were happy to believe that they were finally safe from the evil that was magic and others were glad that the horrors had ended mourned in secret for the ones they lost. 

The King of Camelot, Uther Pendragon, rejoiced at the capture of a great monster, as he put it. Kilgharrah, a great and old dragon who had been tricked by his lord into captivity swearing vengeance and revenge on those who had a hand in his imprisonment. After the capture of the great dragon, Uther ordered all the lords of dragons to be executed for being what they were. Beings of magic. Only one escaped the reach of the ax, Balinor.

Balinor fled to a nearby Kingdom and hid in a small village named Ealdor. During his time in hiding, Balinor began to fall in love with one of the villagers, Hunith, who in turn fell in love with the dragon lord. Their love, however, was cut short by the knowledge of Uther. Balinor knew that Uther would not stop hunting him and if he was found that Uther would not care who got in his way. Uther would massacre the entire village just to kill the one man.

Balinor left the quiet village on a dark night after making love to Hunith one last time. He hated leaving her without saying goodbye, but he knew if he had, he would have stayed and put her life in danger. The next morning Hunith awoke to find Balinor gone. She was heartbroken and hoped he would return but as the days went on into months Hunith knew that Balinor was not coming back.

In late December, Hunith had left the village to gather firewood for the cold night. The nights had seemed colder while the sun gave warmth in the day. Hunith walked through the woods, her steps crunching on the dead leaves and her dress swept them along. She could only find small branches that had just fallen, she would have to dry them out before they could be used but they would work.

Thunder suddenly rumbled in the skies above. Hunith looked up, the sky had been clear just a moment ago. Lightning flashed scaring Hunith making her gasp and drop the branches in her hands. A cry of an infant made its way into her ears. Hunith looked out into the woods that had grown dark from the clouds overhead. She could see no one but the cries grew louder, so Hunith made her way closer to where the sounds came from.

She had just moved from behind a large tree that had fallen down only two years prior when she caught a glimpse of a Blue bundle on the forest floor. Hunith walked closer as she heard the loud cries from inside. She picked up the Blue blanket and opened it up to see a beautiful baby girl crying her eyes out. 

The ground where the child once lay now sprouted fresh green grass and spring flowers out from underneath the white of the snow that had fallen just that morning. Hunith looked down at the girl who in her time in the older woman's arms had stopped crying. The little girl looked up at Hunith like she couldn't believe she was real. Hunith smiled down at her but looked around the forest for anyone to who the child could belong to. She found no one, it was like the girl had appeared out of nowhere.

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