Chapter 14

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AN: Woah author's note at the top of the page? It's somewhat important, I know I just started again but I will probably be a bit slower. A few months ago before school started its spring semester I tested positive for covid and I was sick for a while. then school was back, and finals and my aunt is very sick now, and I have just been so so busy. I'm sorry this has taken so long to come out, I truly am. I will also be skipping a few events because I don't want Cas to be involved in every little thing. sorry, it is somewhat short as well, I wanted to get it out as soon as I could, just in case this outburst of creativity didn't last till morning.

Caspienne sat in the classroom as the girls all swooned over Prissy, they were talking about her plans for the wedding. She had no idea how she fell for that god-awful man, but it was official, Prissy Andrews would soon be Prissy Phillips. Her thoughts were interrupted by Billy purposefully knocking over Cole
"You need to be more careful bud," he said sarcastically
"Have you got nothing better to do, Billy?" Cas said, but he only rolled his eyes. The nerve of that kid.

"The area equals one-half times the sum of both bases, multiplied by the height, simple enough. The student who finishes last," he droned, "will wish he had stayed home from school today."
was that a thinly veiled threat? she wondered. Just then, the man she met at Christmas, Sebastian, barged in, "Pardon me, I need to have a word with Gilbert please"
"I'd thank you to stay in the cloakroom," Mr. Phillips said, holding out his hand cautiously.
"You're not welcome here," Billy blurted out, "he tried to kill me at the Christmas Pantomime"
"That was clearly an accident, Billy" Cas spat. Mr. Phillips ordered us to resume the lesson as Gilbert and Bash conversed in the cloakroom.

During lunch, as the girls were again talking about the wedding, shouting came from the cloakroom. It was Billy and Cole again... Billy and one of his lackeys were throwing something to each other
"Give it back!" Cole shouted at him,
"sure, catch" Billy said cockily, as he threw it with all his might at him, and missed, hitting the window and cracking it.
"Mr. Andrews! That is enough!" Mr. Phillips angrily yelled as he re-entered the room, pulling out a handkerchief and picking up what looked to be a ball of mud.
"To whom does this belong" he glowered, "It's mine, sir." Cole solemnly confessed.
Mr. Phillips threw the ball into the fire pit, visibly upsetting Cole
"you family can pay for a new window then" he said
Cas intervened "What?! Billy is the one who broke it!" she contested
"I am speaking to Mr. Mackenzie!" Mr. Phillips fumed, "well?" he stared expectantly at Cole
"why can't you just tell the truth for once!" Cole turned to Billy
"I was just doing what you told me to," Billy said, feigning innocence, "I was just giving it back."
Cole looked at the ground and turned back to Mr. Phillips "My parents can't afford that"
"Well then, I guess we'll just have to punish you another way"
"He doesn't deserve punishment in the first place!" Caspienne chided, "Stay in your place Mrs. Silkwood!" he scolded. He walked back to the desk and pulled out a long, thin stick, and tapped at Cole's hand with it,
"open your hand"
"I didn't do anything wrong"
"You are the most disruptive student in this classroom."
Cole got up closer to him, his face even more serious,
"That is your perception... but it is not fact" he said, "if you want to hate someone, you should look in the mirror."
"open. your. hand" Mr. Phillips commanded
"No." Cole replied. He then walked away, grabbing his things and leaving the door open...

After dismissal, Anne went straight to where, one could only assume, Cole was. Caspienne wanted to comfort him, but she was nowhere near as close to him as Anne was, and she thought Anne could handle it on her own. Caspienne made her way home, she needed to take care of the property and get ready for bed, she had a big day tomorrow, as she was, unfortunately, invited to the wedding.

As Prissy got ready, putting on her blue ribbon and her sixpence in her shoe. Caspienne just sat and listened to the girls' rhyme. She felt bad for Prissy, she did not think that she truly loved Mr. Phillips, but instead she loved the idea of being married and having a husband.
Bells rang as Prissy stepped in, the wedding music playing, and her veiled face walking down the aisle, linking her arm with her father's. She stopped just in front of Mr. Phillips and he unveiled her. She looked around disdainfully, almost worried, she looked at every face in the crowd, then promptly dropped her bouquet and ran out of the venue. The girls shouted for her and followed in suit, running through the snow before dropping to the ground. As we approached her, she started to giggle, then laugh out loud as she stood and started twirling around, the rest of the girls laughing with her.

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