Chapter 5

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All of the class was quiet as they worked on their equations, Caspienne was deep in thought, as she tuned out the sound of chalk scraping on a slate. she breathed inward, keeping her focus as to not lose where she was in the equation. that is until she heard something roll across the floor. she looked up to see Gilbert tossing a piece of paper to Anne, trying to get her attention, then crouched down beside her with an apple. What is he trying to do, and now of all times? Caspienne thought to herself, perhaps they spoke earlier? Breaking her from her thought, Anne suddenly struck him across the face with her slate, as she shouted "I'm not talking to you!" Caspienne was taken aback, what could've warranted something like that!?
"Anne Shirley Cuthbert! Up here, now! What a vicious display!" Mr. Phillip hollered, making Cas jump in her seat. "And the rest of you, Pipe down!"
Caspienne may not know Anne well, but she surely thought making her stand in front of the class in such a manner was too much. As Mr. Phillip started back on the lesson, Cas noticed Anne was getting further and further away from the board, until she started sprinting out of the room, with Mr. Phillip shouting after her.
Caspienne was stirred out of her sleep by the fierce sound of bells. she sat up and hopped out of her bed, as she peered out of her window, she saw something flickering in the distance. nervous, she got up and opened the window for a closer look. her eyes widened at the sight of a fire and she quickly got herself out of her nightgown and into something more suitable, then raced out to the barn. She didn't have many buckets, but she grabbed what she could and strapped them to the horse, then took off in the direction of the burning building. her hair whipped wildly behind her and her heart raced, she could only hope no one was harmed.

as Caspienne got to the fire, she realized it was Ruby's home. everyone was already working to slow the fire, as they formed a line, pumping water into buckets and passing empty buckets back. She quickly places her buckets by the pump and joined the others who were standing by. she spotted Anne and Diana holding each other, as a window burst open and the glass crumbled to the ground.

"Anne! where have you been, it's been ages!" Cas called out to her, trying to make a little light of the situation at hand. they hugged briefly until Anne noticed something

"why are the doors and windows open..?" she said grimly, Diana gave a look of confusion, but Cas understood. after a close call not too long ago, she had been taught by her parents what to do in case of a fire while they were away, but she never thought she'd have to use it so soon. Anne ran to grab blankets and wet them, while Caspienne headed straight in. immediately she was engulfed in the smoke and heat of the house, as she could here Diana calling to her and Anne, as Anne was close behind her. making her way upstairs, she could feel the smoke sting her eyes and burn her throat, no matter how far she sunk her face into her sleeve. running to the back room, she shut window and closed the door, as she continued down the hall, shutting windows. Her head started spinning, but she kept pushing, as she got to one of the rooms and reached in to grab the door handle, she looked up and locked her blue eyes with Gilbert, who's faced scrunched into concern
"Cas? what are you doing?!" he exasperated, but cas just closed the door and made her way to the stairs. Before she could get to them, the smoke became too much, as she started coughing and hacking. Anne had already placed blankets at the feet of the doors and made her way downstairs before her, as far as Cas knew, she was alone in the house now. she got far away from the fire, as she stumbled down the stair, but the smoke was so thick and aggressive, she could hardly even tell where she was going. All of a sudden, her foot hit something on the floor, and she toppled over, and hit the floor with a thud. her energy was gone, and she blindly reached around for something, anything, to grab onto, but there was nothing there. After giving up on finding something to push herself up with, Caspienne gave up hope on getting out, and slowly let herself succumb to the growing tiredness. That is until she felt someone grab her, and hoist her into their arms. all she could hear were worried voices, as her limp arms swayed back and forth whilst being carried out of the house. and although she was out of the smoke, her exhaustion got the best of her, and she finally passed out.

AN: I will be changing some things, as to shift the romance from Anne (like in the show) too Caspienne, so things that make anne closer to gilbert will happen to Cas instead.

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