Chapter 7

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"You are not to fraternize or exert undue influence," Mr. Phillips looked down at Anne, "Ruby, switch places with Anne," he said sternly. What could they have done to deserve this? Anne and Diana looked as if they were going to burst into tears, as Ruby got up and switched with Anne. they gave each other a wistful look, and Mr. Phillips began his lesson.


"Caspienne, take these books to Gilbert's house. He's going to be gone for a while and I don't want him to get behind, he's my best student" Mr. Phillips instructed

"Why is he missing lessons?" she questioned, "That is none of your concern" Mr. Phillips sneered. He really could be so rude sometimes, "Alright, I'll drop them off." she huffed.

As she trudged through the snow, the coldness seeped into her clothes, as the snow was tall and she was not. Caspienne was a mere 5 feet tall, on a good day. And yet Mr. Phillips still always chose her to clean off the chalkboard, in which Gilbert would help her get the spots she couldn't reach. She blushed thinking of the kindness he always displayed, he never had a problem helping someone. Walking up to the steps of his house, she prepared the books and knocked on his door, but no one answered. she waited a few minutes, then knocked again, and after a few seconds, the door creaked open, and she was surprised to see an older man. "sorry about that, Gilbert is out back, how may I help you?"

"Oh, you must be Mr. Blythe! I brought these books for Gilbert since he's been out of school. Mr. Phillips wants him to be able to keep up" Caspienne informed Mr. Blythe,

"And you must be the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silkwood! you look just like your parents, especially your mother, with those freckles of yours" he observed. "I am, indeed-"

"Dad! what are you doing out of bed? you shouldn't be walking!" Gilbert ran up to the porch, "I am fine son," he turns to Caspienne "my son worries too much, this young lady came to bring you your books" he says

"Let me get you a chair" Gilbert starts, but his father interrupts, "No no, I'm fine, I can get myself one Gilbert" he heads off inside, most likely to sit down, and Gilbert turns to Cas and glances at the books, "Are those for me?" he asks, "Oh! Yes, Mr. Phillips doesn't want you falling behind" she handed them to him, and their fingers touched as he picked them up from her hands "I guess if I'm going to best Anne, I should do it fair and square," he said. "Of course, I must be off to my chores and dinner, I'll see you again, Gilbert" she bid farewell and went off to her own house, as she prepared for the end of the day.


Caspienne walked just behind Gilbert, with her head down in sorrow. Although she had only met Mr. Blythe once, he was a happy soul, and hearing of his passing was truly heartbreaking. Her eyes were pricked with tears, as she felt such deep pity for Gilbert, she could only imagine what it was like to lose a parent. Everyone had stopped at the gravesite, and the minister gave a speech, but all Cas could do was watch Gilbert, as if she was sending him her condolences silently. As the minister finished his prayer, everyone made their way to the reception, but Gilbert stayed behind, sadly watching the gravedigger cover-up his father's casket. She walked up to him and gently wrapped her hand around his. He looked up at her, and she could see the brokenness in his eyes, as she pulled him into a comforting hug. "I'm so sorry, Gilbert, I can only imagine your pain," She said, muffled, and he only squeezed tighter. eventually, they sat down by the burial site and stayed in comfortable silence. "I must go to the reception; see how everyone is doing, do take care, Gilbert." Cas squeezed his hand and made her way up to his house. He never came back inside, and she had hoped he was alright.

AN: Sorry this chapter is late and short, I have a very hard time writing filler, I always try too hard to get right to the drama and action. I had a struggle figuring out how I wanted to write this chapter, and if I wanted to include Caspienne in what happened with Minnie May. I'm thinking about writing what happened during the fire at Ruby's house in the POV of Gilbert, so let me know in the comments if you'd like to see that happen!

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