Chapter 8

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Caspienne stumbled down the path to Gilbert's house, the night air was particularly harsh, as it nipped at her, and her nose and ears turned red. Tears had stained her cheeks, which were rosy and icy cold, as she wrapped her arms herself, partly for warmth, and partly for comfort. As his house came into view she slowed down and caught her breath and the fear that had startled her awake sunk in. Creeping up to the steps, she felt the deep, midnight snow seep into her stockings. Caspienne sucked in her breath and tapped on the door; as the cold air sunk even deeper into her clothes while she waited, she heard nothing, so she knocked again, but louder. After a few minutes, she could hear Gilbert shuffling up to the door, and the door pulling open, with a dreary looking Gilbert. "I'm sorry it is so late in the night.. I just can't sleep in my own home right now.." Caspienne stuttered, and as he looked at her, she was clearly shaken up and scared.
"Oh my goodness, Cas? Are you ok, did something happen?" Gilbert questioned her, deeply concerned. She looked as if she had seen a ghost. "I don't think I can properly explain right now.. my mind is too clouded" she spoke quietly,

"Come on, let's get you inside, I don't want you getting sick out in this cold" Gilbert stepped aside and let her in, then went to get started on a fire. As he grabbed some firewood and matches, he heard her sniffling. Whatever had happened was coming back to her thoughts, as it set into her. Dropping the wood in the fireplace, Gilbert grabbed a seat next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. She looked up to meet his eyes, as he asked again,

"Caspienne, what happened?" he gently asked, "It was horrible, Gilbert, I had this god-forsaken nightmare," she teared up "my parents had come back home again. but something about them was off, instead of unpacking, they were packing even more things. I asked what was going on, and they said they were leaving for good. Without me. I begged and pleaded to them, 'Please! Don't leave me here alone! I have nowhere to go, please mom, dad!' but they just turned and left.." her hands came up to her face.

"Cas, don't ever think you'd have nowhere to go. I'm sure your parents would never do such a thing, but if you ever need to, you can come here, I would never turn you down" he softly reassured, as he moved closer to her. "I know, it's such a silly dream to be so worked up about, but I can't help but panic." she breathed in and started calming down,
"You can stay in the guest bedroom for tonight, I don't really have anything for you to wear, but I have some extra blankets you can use." he showed her to the guest room, and she recognized it quickly, "Is this the room I was taken to after the fire?" she turned to him "I nearly forgot about that."

"Ah, yeah, we don't usually have guests, so it doesn't get used. But I promise it's not dusty or anything" he said awkwardly. Caspienne made her way to the bed, "I guess this is goodnight" she said. "goodnight, if you need anything, my room is right across from yours" he smiled and went to his room. Caspienne felt safe there, her stomach was no longer in a knot, and she calmly fell asleep.


In the morning, the sunlight hit Caspienne's face, stirring her awake, as she squinted her eyes and stretched. Her feet hit the floor, and she opened the door to the room, just as Gilbert opened his door too. "Morning," he greeted, and she returned it "I found some of my mom's old dresses.. I don't know if they fit, but I guess it would be better then going home in a nightgown" he offered. "That would be lovely, but they are your mother's, are you sure you would want me wearing them?" she felt bad, she was sure that had sentimental value to him, "I'm sure she'd be happy they are getting used" he smiled.
The dress she chose was a bit big around the waist, but it was much better than a thin nightgown. As she came down the stairs, she noticed two plates on the table, "Oh, you didn't have to make breakfast, Gilbert!" she was somewhat embarrassed as if she was intruding.
"It really isn't a problem!" he said, "come on down to the table." Caspienne sat down across from him and started on her breakfast, it was small, but still filling. After they had finished, he put the dishes away and came back to the table,
"How have you been?" Cas asked, it had been a few days since the funeral,
"It's uh, a bit rough, but I am managing," he said, but before they could really have a conversation, there was a knock at the door. Diana, Ruby, and a petrified looking Anne came in, with a dish in their basket, and Cas could tell they were shocked to see her there but didn't want to say anything. "We're sorry to intrude, but we wanted to give you that," said Ruby, and Diana added, "we are sorry for your loss," and Ruby continued, "it's a shepherd's pie, we made it especially for you."
"Thank you." Gilbert said awkwardly, and Diana and Ruby spoke up again "we hope you like it," Diana said, and Ruby turned to her "everyone likes shepherd's pie" she turned back to Gilbert "anyways, we hope it's a comfort to you"
Diana added, again, "Anne made the topping, she's a good cook-"
"But I would make a terrible wife!" Anne blurted out all of a sudden, and after some awkward silence, she turned to the door and took off. Caspienne just cringed inwardly, as the girls turned back to them, and she noticed Ruby paying particular attention to her.
"well, it was nice of you to stop by" Gilbert broke the silence, and the Ruby and Diana left silently.

"I should probably get going, thank you for everything, Gilbert" Cas wrapped up in her coat and put on her shoes, as Gilbert opened the door for her,
"If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to stop by, I enjoy your company," he told her, and her eyes widened as her heart fluttered
"thank you, again, I'll see you again sometime, goodbye" she smiled, and he bid farewell to her, as she began the trek back to her house.

AN: oooooo! Big long chapter! I don't want to be begging for likes or anything, but I would appreciate a vote, and comment your thoughts on the chapter, as well as something you'd like to see in the next chapters!

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