Chapter 9

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"Did you know the Cuthberts are poor?" Josie leaned in and told the girls, "Anne is poor?" Diana seemed concerned, "poor, as in penniless old fellow with no head for finance" Josie sneered. "Josie, why must you stick your nose in everyone's business" Cas glared at her, and she scoffed "the Cuthberts had to mortgage their farm, isn't that sad?" she said sarcastically.
Anne jumped up "Josie Pye you take that back!" she threatened, "What? it's the truth, you're poor" she defended, "wait, did you not know? do you at least know if they are going to keep you?" Anne was brought back, and Caspienne chimed in at the same time
-"keep me?"
-"keep her?"
They said in disgust. Caspienne disdainfully looked at Josie, why did she always have to speak to people like that? people she deemed below herself?


Caspienne and Diana ran up to Anne's house "Anne! we brought some things for you to sell!" Diana called to her, as they both ran up with a sack of belongings "Are you guys sure?" Anne seemed guilty, "Of course we are! And, I have business in Charlottetown, so I can come with you!" Caspienne said.
"I brought my horse, so I can follow behind" she said, as she passed over the sack of things and went to saddle-up and they went off.

As they came upon Charlottetown, Caspienne tied up her horse and walked up to Anne "The bag is full of trinkets from my parent's journeys, I'm sure there are plenty of exotic and valuable things in there" she informed Anne, "I must be off, I hope you get some good money off of everything!" Cas departed from Anne and headed off to the seamstress, she was in need of a new winter dress. Her current dress was worn and tight, and the winter wind blew right through her. She stepped into the shop with her old dress in her hands, she had brought it for proper measurements, and went up to the counter,
"Hello, I'm in desperate need of a new winter dress, would you be able to use this old one for reference? I just need to size up is all" She told the woman behind the counter, who was a kind-looking old woman.
"Of course, just hand over the old dress and we should be done in about a month or so, we are awfully backed up. You aren't the only lady who has grown since last year" she chuckled. After paying, Caspienne went to catch up with Anne and see how everything was sold. As she walked up to the pawnshop, she saw Gilbert and Anne mid-conversation and sped up.
"Gilbert! It's so good to see you! It has been some time." she approached him and smiled
"It has, hasn't it?" he smiled back. All three of them decided to go into a café and catch up, but most of the talking was Anne and Gilbert, as Caspienne was deep in her own thoughts.
"Cas?" Gilbert had repeated, but Caspienne had just noticed he was even talking to her
"hm? Sorry, I was thinking, what was it?" she asked, she had been zoning out the whole time
"I have a favor to ask, would you be able to keep an eye on the farm while I'm gone? If it's too much of a hassle that's no problem, but I would like someone I trust to make sure nothing happens."
"of course! I would be happy to, Gilbert, I wouldn't want you to come home to a burglarized house or anything of the sort." Although it would be extra work, Caspienne had no problem giving Gilbert a helping hand after all he'd done for her.
"thank you so much, you are a lifesaver, Cas" he smiled.

As the three of them left the cafe, they continued to say their goodbyes, until they were interrupted by Jerry shoving Gilbert back, as he shouted "Get away from them!"
there was a bit of a quarrel until Anne calmed him down and reassured him that she knew Gilbert, that was when Caspienne noticed
"Jerry, what happened to you?" she said concerned, his lip was busted and there was a darkening circle around his eye. Cas helped him over to the bench next to them, and as he explained that someone took the money, Gilbert paid attention to how concerned Cas seemed, it almost made him uncomfortable.
"I remember you, from the fire, I'm Jerry" he went to shake Gilbert's hand as they were properly introduced, "Gilbert."
"Anything I can do?" Gilbert asked, but there wasn't much that could be done, Caspienne looked up to him and smiled "just take care of yourself, and come home someday." he nodded, looking down at her (as they have at least a 9-inch height difference) "of course." She continued to look into his eyes until Jerry leaned in with a curt "au revoir." Gilbert grabbed his things and gave a simple "bye", as he walked off to wherever he needed to go.


A/N: I am back!! guess who's hyperfixation did a 180 last night? This gal's. which means I'll be picking this back up for however long it lasts! sorry, the chapter is short, but I wanted to get it out as soon as possible!

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