Chapter 2

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"Cas, come over here, I would like you to meet Anne." Diana called to her.
Caspienne came over to Diana, figuring that the new girl was named Anne.
"Hello, Anne, my name is Caspienne, but you can call me Cas." she grinned at Anne, holding her hand out for Anne to shake. Graciously, Anne grabbed hold of her hand and shook it, grinning as well.
Diana goes on to introduce Anne to each of the girls, saying each of their names.
"It is a scrumptious pleasure to make your acquaintances, and I shall do my utmost to prove myself worthy of your friendship." Anne says, passionately. The other girls seem very confused, but Cas smiled to herself. This girl surely has an advanced vocabulary.
"Anne loves to read, and she knows ever so many big words." Diana smiles,
"Does she use them all in every sentence?" Josie snickers, Cas is angered by it, but tries not to show it yet.
"I like to read too." Tillie smiles
"No you don't" Ruby comments
"No, I don't" Tillie awkwardly says. Cas was just about to make her leave and sit down, as Jane continues to talk to Anne. She starts tuning it out, but then something catches her attention.
Billy Andrews is making his way over, barking and mocking Anne.
"You're ridiculous." Anne says confidently, but Billy continues to taunt.
"Look! It's a talking dog! can you fetch?" he mocks.
"Billy leave her be" Jane scolds. Caspienne decides to stand up, and give Billy a taste of his own medicine
"Look who's barking, how about you get on your hands and knees and crawl like a dog, Billy? You sure seem to love pretending to be one," Cas scorns. Billy backs off, seeming embarrassed.
She sits back down, content with his humiliation. She'd like to say more, but it would be best for her to keep to herself for the rest of the day. As she waits for Mr. Phillips to come into class, she starts daydreaming about how her day will go, as Anne and Diana left for a tour around the schoolhouse.

-----------------------time skip---------------------

The class is currently being called up to spell different words, Charlie is spelling 'Ravishing', but Caspienne is zoned out, and not quite paying attention. Prissy Andrews is sitting next to her, enamored with every word Mr. Phillips speaks, as Cas just stares at the chalk board ahead of her. She was thinking of Gilbert, wondering when he'd finally be home, so she could talk to him again. Cas wouldn't say he was her friend, but they were somewhat close, and would often speak to each other in between lessons. She couldn't get over his mahogany eyes, and cheerful smile; the way his hair looked in the winter sun, or his smooth voice. It all made her feel happy, even if he didn't like her back, she just felt happy that she was in the same universe as him. She wouldn't trade anything for it.

(AN: it's easy to write about a crush on gilbert when your irl crush looks like him ;)
Also, change of format, I realized the computer made it look weird )

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