Chapter 15

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Caspienne awoke to start her day, getting her messy mane of hair in order, dressed in a simple white and navy blue dress (pictured in the chapter cover), and starting on her breakfast, which was just some toast and eggs with a glass of milk. After eating she took care of the animals on the property, feeding the cows, horses, and chickens (as well as getting their eggs). After all of the morning chores, she packed her school supplies and lunch, put on her coat, hat, gloves, and scarf, and started her trek to the school. There was dead grass all over, with patches of snow here and there, as it had mostly melted the previous day, making the ground slightly muddy. Caspienne's arm had healed fairly well, though there was a visible scar on both sides of her arm, and it twinged sometimes if she moved it the wrong way. 

Her path combined with another, leading her to join with Anne and Diana, as well as their conversation
"Mother was talking with Mrs. Pye, she said that the progressive mothers felt that Mrs. Stacy is probably unsuitable" Diana informed Anne
"but she rides a motorbike!" Anne replied, "Mrs. Stacy seems modern and thrilling!"
Once they entered the schoolhouse all the girls started to gossip about Mrs. Stacy and her previous lifestyle, but Caspienne couldn't be bothered to listen to it. 
"That fox? it's gonna be dead meat" Billy interrupted, as usual, "I think I'll make it into a hat"
"Why do you desire to kill a living creature, Billy?" Cas spat at him, glaring
"Fox? What fox?" Anne seemed distressed
"The one with the dark tail that's been stealing chickens," said Moody
"well there's no fox here, so how about you put the gun away," Gilbert chimed, "I'd like to live to meet the new teacher."

Just after he said that Miss Stacy entered the room a bit disgruntled, as a globe fell from her bag and rolled right over to Billy's feet
"well I just laid the world at your feet, didn't I?" Miss Stacy joked, "Good morning everyone!"
Billy bent over and picked up the globe and set it back in her bag, saying "here you go little lady" 
"My name is Miss Stacy" she replied. What a pig Caspienne thought to herself, smirking at Miss Stacy's reply
"Please take that outside, a classroom is no place for a gun" she instructed him. Billy made an excuse, saying he was "just about to do that". 

Caspienne zoned out, almost, until people started to get up
"now everyone move the desks to the side and take a seat on the floor"
"the floor?" Josie complained
"it's not like you don't sit there for lunch every day, Josie" Caspienne commented
"We are going to sit in a circle and make introductions" Miss Stacy said
Cas grabbed her desk and pushed it to the side, but winced as she turned her arm wrong, only getting it halfway there
"do you need help?" Gilbert stepped over and offered a hand, but Cas declined, "I need to get back to doing things on my own, thank you though" she smiled, and pushed the desk the rest of the way. 

"You will say two words that represent you using the first letters of your first name and last name" Miss Stacy instructed us, "I'll go first," she stood, "Muriel Stacy, Mischievous, Scholastic," she said. Anne stared up at her in awe, she seemed to be completely swept off her feet by this new teacher, "those would be my choice if our names had the same initials, it's like we were separated at birth," the teacher awkwardly smiled to her.
"Let's start with Ruby Gillis" Ruby stood up "Ruby Gillis..." she thought for a second "romantic.. girl?" she said as she glanced at Gilbert. 
"Gilbert Blythe" 
Gilbert stood up and thought for a second then answered "Global... and bookish," happy with his answer, he sat down. As Gilbert answered, Cas noticed that Anne informed the teacher about his answers, mentioning his travels and rank in the class. 
"Caspienne Silkwood"
Cas stood up and she, too, thought for a second "Charismatic... Splendid" she answered, then sat back down on the floor. Anne informed the teacher about her as well, "Cas' parents are travelers" she said, making Caspienne shift in her spot. It made her slightly uncomfortable to be reminded that her parents were gone, off in some random, exotic place, and she was alone. 
"Priscilla Andrews" 
Prissy then rose to her feet, she seemed to already know what to say, "Pragmatic.. Actualized" 
"she left our former teacher at the altar," Anne said rather ignorantly
"Perhaps you would like to share your comment with the class." Miss Stacy suggested
"Oh, well it's no secret that Prissy was affianced to our former teacher, but justifiably fled the wedding. I'll be happy to inform you in about everyone in Avonlea, as I was an outsider once too and-" Anne's rambling was interrupted by Miss Stacy "-no need to provide me with gossip, I don't condone it" she said firmly
"but nothing I said is a secret.." Anne replied
"If someone needs me to know something they will tell me. Why don't you take your turn? What's your name?" 
Anne started to stutter as she stood up "Anne-Anne Shirley Cuthbert..." she said breathily "Anne... uh.. um.." for once, she was out of words. 
"I'm sure you'll think of some later, why don't you see me after class?" Miss Stacy decided to move on. 

A/N: yes, another short chapter, this part of the show is a little bit harder to incorporate Cas into since the next few episodes are heavily focused on Anne and Miss Stacy's development. I will probably skip a few of the scenes and put less dialogue in, as I know the array of quotation marks can get a bit annoying. To be fair though, I've never read an AWAE fanfiction that even got to the point where Miss Stacy is introduced, so at least I can be proud that I am pushing through this part of the story. 

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