Chapter 4

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Caspienne started the day with her breakfast of toast and an egg, and she went upstairs to sort out her hair and clothing. strapping up her boots, she made her way to the coat rack and put her shawl around her shoulders and slipping white gloves on her dainty hands. her dress was a deep robin's egg blue, with puffed sleeves and a white trim. her parents were wealthy folk, but they are often away on some sort of international affair, so Caspienne was left home, alone. As she stepped out the door, the misty path to the school sent a shiver up her spine, as it looked eerie and mystic. But, she still continued, no matter how much it creeped her out.  She kept her eyes on the road, keeping them from wandering and getting her even more nervous. Just as she was about to depart from the dreadful path, someone stepped out from behind a large tree.
"I was hoping I'd caught you just in time" he smirked. It was Billy Andrews, he seemed mad, his smirk falling into a stern look.
"You and that stray dog have caused my family some troubles," he said, "first you embarrassed me in front of my friends, then that orphan slanders my sister"
"So, you admit you were embarrassed?" Caspienne spoke sharply, she wasn't going to be coy with him. He deserved whatever he got, though, she was curious about whatever happened with Prissy. "Also, what are you going on about with Prissy? What did Anne do?" she questioned.
"That's none of your business, just know that you and that orphan will regret it" he barked.
Caspienne took a moment, and she shrunk back, realizing Billy was towering over her, and just how alone they were. "Hey, Billy!" she recognized that voice. Looking behind Billy, she instantly found out who the voice belonged to, it was Gilbert. Her heart fluttered, she had hoped he'd be back, but she had no idea it would be at such good timing. "What are you up to? It sure has been a while" Gilbert asked. "Oh uh Gilbert, I didn't know you where back" Billy backed off.
"Just got back last night.. uh, shouldn't we get going? You know, we wouldn't want to be late."
Billy huffed and stomped off. "Are you alright, Cas?" he turned to her and smiled.
"Oh, yes, I'm okay. Just a little startled is all" she said shyly. "Ah, good, I guess." he seemed curious about what she meant by being startled but didn't want to press any further. The two of them continued walking in silence, Caspienne could feel her heart fluttering, it had been so long since she had seen Gilbert, she had no idea what to say. "How was your trip?" She broke the silence.
"It was good, the train rides were long, but the experience really made up for it"
She could only imagine what it was like to actually travel, instead of just experiencing it secondhand with trinkets and stories from her parents. "That sounds lovely," she said tenderly.
Everyone was chatting and talking about the previous day as Gilbert and Caspienne entered the schoolhouse, as she hung up her coat and hat, and slipped off her gloves. Everyone took notice of Gilbert, and the boys crowded him instantly, questioning his trip and how it was, and how his dad was doing. During the serenade, Caspienne went out to the stream and pulled out her bottle of milk to keep it cool, but she turned to see the girls walking up to her, with a teary-eyed Ruby being held in their arms comfortingly.
"I don't know what you think you were doing walking here with Gilbert Blythe, Caspienne, but you know the rules" Josie angrily called out, "Ruby has liked Gilbert for three years, she has dibs."
"I didn't know you could call dibs on a person" Caspienne replied, "if he cares for Ruby, then he will choose her, but you can't claim him." She huffed. She couldn't believe they'd treat him as if he were a prize, he can love whomever he wants. "Well, just don't talk to him again" Josie commanded
"You can't tell me what to do, Josie, I will talk to whoever I want." Caspienne stormed passed them into the schoolhouse and claimed her seat next to Prissy. Today was going to be a long day.

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