Chapter 3

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Caspienne didn't pay much attention the rest of the day, all she did was think. Thank the heavens she was not called upon by the teacher. During lunch, she sat alone, eating her sandwich and apple, as the rest of the girls giggled in the corner. What could they be giggling about? She wondered.
She decided to hop up and join them, eating alone was boring anyways.
Just as she got there, Josie stood up and gathered her things.
"I'm not going to eat next to dirty trash, come on girls, before we come tarnished" she spat.
Caspienne gave a look of disgust, why would someone say such a nasty remark?
"Of course you would sit with her, you both have so much in common" Josie said to her, as she marched off with the rest of the girls. Caspienne decided to sit next to Anne, as they entertained conversation for the rest of the lunch, while Diana tried fixing whatever had happened.
——time skip——
Caspienne's POV
I got my shawl and hat, as the girls were saying goodbye and heading home.
"Anne, Diana, would you allow me to accompany you on your walk?" I asked
"Of course, I don't see any problem with it" Diana replied. The three of us walked and talked until we were met with a fork in the road, "this is where I must depart from you two, stay safe, and have a nice walk" I smiled and departed on the path to my house, as Anne and Diana made their way toward their homes.
I breathed in the scent of the autumn air. The red leaves were damp and stuck to my boots and the trim of my dress brush on them. I made my way up to my house and opened the door, making sure to lock it, and put away my fall garments. All I had to do then was make supper and go to bed. I daydreamed about tomorrow, hoping for it to go smoothly, and maybe for Gilbert to be back.

AN: I am so sorry for basically abandoning this story. I went through a rough time around when I started it, and I just couldn't think straight enough to write. After season 3 of AWAE came out, I fell in love with the show again, so I will be picking it back up, and hopefully updating regularly!

(also, sorry for the chapter being short, as well as the picture, it appears differently on mobile)

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