Chapter 18

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As the minister made his speech about the "requirements" of being a teacher, all the students filed into the stairway, ready to start their presentation. They all put together their wire, potatoes, screws, and lightbulbs on the viewing deck above the crowd, but in the middle of the meeting, Miss Stacy herself waltzed into the room. Instead of defending herself, though, she stated she was going to leave! But not without making her own statement on the education of the children of Avonlea. After she finished, everyone made their way into the room holding their glowing lightbulbs,
"What you've just witnessed is the effect of Miss Stacy's methods in action," Anne said, "She taught us about electricity but she also showed us the spirit of enthusiasm and curiosity that we needed to make this happen." She came to Miss Stacy's defense
"Tell me and I forget.
Teach me and I remember.
Involve me and I learn." she stated to everyone, and it was true. Caspienne had never paid more attention in school than when Miss Stacy was the one teaching because she didn't just say what she was teaching, but she showed it. She helped everyone in class understand by showing them how things worked in real-time, not just having them read about it. Then Mr. Cuthbert spoke up, then Gilbert, then Mrs. Cutherbert, each of them giving their testimony on Miss Stacy. In the end, her career was saved, and everyone got to keep their favorite teacher. 

This was the second wedding Caspienne was attending in just this season, but thankfully it was in a true and loving relationship. Bash and Mary looked into each other's eyes lovingly as the priest droned on, but this time they seemed to actually care, they weren't looking nervous or scared like Prissy did, or cold like Mr. Phillips, but genuinely happy. 
After the service, Cas waited outside for everyone to say goodbye and congratulate the newlyweds
"It was a lovely service" Gilbert spoke up as he walked up to the side of her
"It was... I was thinking about how you mentioned your career choice as a doctor. It made me realize I hadn't chosen what path I wanted, and I thought on it more. It will be hard, but I want to be a veterinarian, I love animals and the thought of helping them fills me with joy. And with all the farmland around here, I'm sure it will be needed." Caspienne poured out, 
"That is amazing, Cas, I am sure that you'll be the best vet of them all. You seem very passionate about it, nothing will stop you" he said in support of her choices. This next year of study was going to be hard, especially with her just now deciding to do so, but she was ready for the pressure. 

quick note: I am going to be starting season 3 in this chapter so that it won't be too short, so the rest of this chapter is in season 3!! 

Caspienne road out to the pond that the hockey game was taking place on, her horse huffed as she trotted through the snow. She tied her up to a tree nearby and made her way over to the edge of the pond to watch. Typically, she didn't really care for sports, but seeing as though it was her classmates and a certain someone was there, she didn't mind using it as an excuse to get outside. She was rather late, but it didn't really matter since she wasn't there for the game or the paper, she just wanted some fresh air, and something else. The Mi'kmaq people were coming to bring something she had ordered from them, obviously, she didn't play hockey, so it was not one of their custom sticks, but it was a pair of gloves for the winter. Her gloves had gotten very worn out and were horrible at keeping in the warmth, and who but the natives would know how to keep warm during the winter? 
She spotted them hiking up the hill on the other side of the pond and she approached them
"It is good to see you" she greeted them, it was the chief and his daughter, who she had learned when she ordered the gloves was named Ka'kwet
"here are the gloves you asked for, they should keep the warmth much better" Ka'kwet pulled them out from her pocket and handed them to her. They were a dark soft suede with a fur trim, and her hands instantly felt better as she slipped them on
"thank you so much, I can already feel the difference!" she thanked them and walked back to the other side of the pond where all the girls were. 

Everyone set their milk in the stream and their lunches right next to it; Caspienne noticed that the girls were huddled around the old "take notice" board. She remembered when it was being used, of course, there were some notes there about her, but she didn't care, the only people putting notes on that board about her were most likely not someone she was interested in. She never used it herself, it seemed too desperate, if she wanted someone to take notice then she wouldn't be so coy about it, she would say it how it is and to their face. That is, if she gained the courage in the first place. She ignored the commotion and went inside, it was going to be a long day. 

AN: sorry for the short-ish chapter! but I'm saving my creative energy for the next chapter, which is going to be very long *wink wink*
Also, sorry for not updating for a while! I was in Africa for two weeks and had nearly no cell service, but as you can tell, I am back!

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