Chapter 6

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Cas groaned, her head was pounding fiercely, and the sun seeping through the windows only made it worse. wait, windows? Caspienne jumped up, regretfully, as her head did not like it, but as she looked around, she only grew confused. the last things she remembered were worried shouts and blurry faces, and being in the arms of someone. it was clear to her this was not her house, but she couldn't even tell who's it was. she slowly turned over and onto the bed, she was still in her clothes from the fire, and she could smell the smoke that had sunk into them. as she walked to the door, she peeked out the window and saw the ground was lightly dusted with snow, and it was flurrying as well. she gently wrapped her fingers around the doorknob and opened the door, coming face to face with Gilbert Blythe, and her eyes widened.

"Oh goodness, so it's your house I have woken up in?" she said cheekily

"Uh yeah," he chuckled, "after you had passed out at the fire, no one wanted to leave you alone at your house, so I volunteered to take you in." he explained. "that's awful nice of you, Gilbert, I'm sure I would have done alright" she smiled.

"Can I get you anything, maybe a coffee or some breakfast?" he questioned. "That would be nice, but I ought to get home, I have ever so many chores to do, oh, what time is it even?"

"It's not too late, around 10 in the morning I think, but I understand" he stepped out of the way and led Cas down the stairs. as they got to the door, he turned to her, "your horse is out in the barn, she sure is a beauty, as well as easy to work with" he let you know, "yes," she said, "she's one of my favorites." Gilbert opened the door of Cas and she made her way out "I'll see you at school, Cas" he bid farewell, as did Caspienne, and she made her way to the barn and hoisted herself onto Persephone (her horse), as she trotted off toward the Silkwood manor.


The circle of girls giggled as they discussed their "womanly flowering"

"I got mine three months ago, and I feel very mature" Josie leaned in and shared, and the girls agreed, "I think the boys take me more seriously as well," she said. "they can't tell.. can they? that would be awful." Anne shuddered "not tell, but I'm not a little girl anymore, and that's obvious. My bosoms are growing" Josie bragged. as the girls shared when they first experienced it, and how mature they feel, Ruby sniffled and started crying, "what's wrong Ruby?"

"I'm not a woman, why don't I have one?" she said woefully. "Trust me, if I could give you mine I would, this is so inconvenient!" Anne's voice rose, and the girls hushed her "no one is supposed to know, a woman's cycle is a shameful thing" Tilly remarked, "why?" Anne questioned, Diana replied with "It's unmentionable, that's why", "That's not a reason" Anne countered.

"Why don't you ever understand anything?" Josie rolled her eyes, and Cas glared at her, there was no reason to be snarky. "Marilla says it's God's plan, so doesn't that make it good? I mean, we can make a whole person, where's the shame in that?" the girls still brushed it off, saying that was the way it is. "Do boys have to contend with this?" said Anne, "boys have their own problems" Diana replied. the girls started to her shouting and the sound of something being whacked, and the slowly started to peer over the window. the boys were whacking sticks with other sticks, for only God knows why "why are they doing that?" Ruby broke the questioning silence, "there's a question for the ages" Josie answered. "when I get mine, I stay home from school, as to not have an.. accident" Tilly emphasizes accident, and Cas immediately knew what she meant, "accident..?" Anne grimly questioned "a few years back, there was a girl who bled right through the back of her dress, the teacher called her up to the blackboard, and everybody saw" Caspienne explained pitifully. the girls mulled over it, saying how dreadful it would be, and that they would die of mortification. Anne's face paled and she looked as if she had seen a ghost.


"which districts comprise the prairies, Gilbert" he stood up and answered "good," Mr. Phillips stated, "Anne, which districts comprise the Atlantic Maritimes?" Anne stood up nervously, and Cas could tell exactly what was going through her mind "u-um I'm sorry.. what was the question?"

"I'm sorry, could you not hear me? was I not speaking loudly enough!? The Atlantic Maritimes!" Mr. Phillip sarcastically rose his voice, and Anne shrunk back, mortified. Caspienne rarely used the word hate, but when she said she hated Mr. Phillips, she meant it.

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